
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:08:06
养成坏习惯可否用 foster a bad habit? there____(not be)any paper money.everyone____(have)a credit card 成长的烦恼英文剧本,成长的烦恼英文剧本,注意是英文的!最好是一家五个人都有话的,时间5分钟左右~ The Changjiang River is longer than any other ___ A river B rivers请问应用单数还是复数 , 英语翻译the implementation of CASs is effective for periods ending on or after December 15,2009.This clarification does not change the effective date of the initiao adoption of ISA as CASs for full years.This is important for audit of periods of 英语翻译Role of an auditing and reporting service in compliance management摘要:Regulatory compliance has become a major focus in today’s business environment as companies adapt to comply with regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley,Basel II,and 英语翻译请问下《中国注册会计师审计准则第X号——公允价值计量和披露的审计(意见征求稿)》用英文怎么说呢?还有,《企业会计准则-基本准则》翻译成英文是什么? You're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time you're 是什么意识 说一说你对夸父的这一神话人物的认识 100字 要结合各方面要比较好的 从精神,故事方面写 grievance英文怎么读 line up procedures如何翻译.在这句话中.跟警察和法院判定证据有效性有关.After more than three decades of laboratory studies, experts have found that a few simple changes in police lineup procedures improve the accuracy of eyewitn 从夸父身上得到了什么启示 100字 Clear straws如何翻译 英语翻译不可以的话应该怎么说? 初一英语:连词成句和作文一、连词成句you,did,anywhere,go,interestingsaw,i,an,of,art,chinese,exhibitionday,that,were,many,people,there,onsell,they,types,different,of,clothes,shop,their,inyou,pictures,take,did,manyby,traveled,train,the 夸父和共工的不同点准确一点 夸父和共工共同的特点是什么? 最难看的笑用什么词 请问I have a crush on her. Her parents have nothing () her hobby.介词填空是against,围观的人快回答吧 safe 和 take exercise是什么意思 Tom and Eve like running in the park的一般疑问句和肯否回答! 初中英语小作文(连词成句)supermarket,front,house,sell,like小作文!30词以上。 在农村劳动期间,他养成了写日记的习惯中译英He developed a habit of write diary during farm .农村劳动期间怎么翻?这句话还有什么地方可以改进? 翻译:你们谁有天天写日记的习惯? 英语翻译翻译:The sun had not yet risen,and the air smelt rain of the night and the mountain grass was heavy with tiny drops of water 用适当的介词填空.1.I will teach you ___ do that again.2.The air is fresh ___ the rain. I went out and b____the fresh air 初中英语基础,如副词修饰动词. be seriously injured这里seriously是副词,副词不是修饰动词和整句话吗? activation record是什么意思 电脑中的record是什么意思?是否可以删除?里面都是MP4文件可以删吗?