
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:49:19
cake is good for you or bad for you when they entred the room,they found the window open and something _____A.stolen B.to be stolen C.to steal D.stealing为什么答案不能选B They find she in the room.改错 they found the room____________(挤满了人) 写信的格式和记信的格式怎么写?(好久了,忘了, 写信有些什么好处呢?写信比写邮件通电话有些什么不一样的哦? 在零晨写信有什么意义么谢谢了, 从牵牛花身上悟出人生意义,用简明的语言概括四条人生意义 she wanted to find out how___to wear.1 comfortable it was 2 comfortable it would be 3 it was comfortable 4 it would be comfortable选择哪个,及为什么 写信的格式是啥!? the reason why he told me that he lost the money... he told him" it's time that you left here"改为间接引语 哪些动物会上树 树是动物吗? 用悬崖 推车 乌龟三个不相连的词语编写童话故事600字左右 描写乌龟的好词好句好段急 乌龟和牵牛花之间有什么关系?快 描写小乌龟的好词 When she opened the box ,she found her money ______ .A.went B.gone C.going D.to go为什么选B呀?A怎么不可以 he told me that i would receive a sum of money请问这句话有错误的地方吗? he told us that there would be no money used in the future这话能否改为he told us that no money would be used in the future 蕉树一棵长得茂,.是什么动物 什么动物喜欢上树?有几种! 描写人的美文200字左右(语言,动作,神态,心理活动等描写)美文里面要有复杂的语言,动作,神态,心理活动等描写 英语翻译 英语翻译 随意的 用英语如何翻译(初三英语)? 白菜怎么炒好吃 牵牛花的比喻句 牵牛花开放了( 改为比喻句 ) 英语翻译 黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫红色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫.选自哪篇散文