
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:00:57
friend的形容词 She shoud eat more fresh fuit.改为否定句 everybody wants you 这里为什么want要加speople come and see me everyday 这里的come不加s 三、句型转换.1.I think she has a good habit.(改否定)I ______ _______ she ______ a good habit.I think she has a good habit.(改为否定句) I ______ _______ she ______ a good habit. 2.They play football on Wednesday and Saturday afternoo next sunday I (read) books用所给词的适当形式填空 英语翻译We reach an agreement not separately 解释为我们说好不分开?正确不正确? Hang together or hanged separately是谁说的 if we do not hang together ,we shall most assuredly hang sepearately的意思 If we do not hang together,we shall most assuredly hang separately. 牧高笛帐篷CAMTHLON双人帐篷双层帐篷(同PRO2) 雪狼SW-006 和牧高笛pro2的帐篷哪个好?我喜欢两款帐篷,不知道买哪个好.1.雪狼snow wofl SW-006 2.牧高笛pro2请大家帮我对比下两款帐篷,包括内部空间大小等等细节方面的. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子.Maria was able to( )( )(使...振作起 ) the family .Tell根据汉语意思,完成下列句子.1.Maria was able to( )( )(使...振作起 ) the family .2.Tell your children to ( )( Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp family?改为同义句 ______did Maria go to the Trapp family_____? 如题 沧海桑田什么意思?为什么要说要不是沧海桑田真爱怎么会浮现 whether he succeeds or fails_____concern me.A.don’t B isn’t C doesn’t The ()(discover) of oil on their land made the family rich “春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”表达了是人的什么感情 “做每件事情都很费劲”怎么翻译? 为什么做决定很困难 做老板为何难? I am pianning to go hiking 意思 orders,trying,I,teacheris,am,to,foIIow,the怎样连词成句 带锯机两条锯条一起用行吗 injury hurt这两个词都有伤害的意思,如何区分? harm与hurt有何区别? it's always windy and 急 windy it’s always 用这些词造句 依照例句仿写例句:事业说:人生就是(建筑历史的一块砖石.)友谊说:人生就是(帮助别人攀登的阶梯.)奋斗说:人生就是( )勤劳说:人生就是( )困难说 世界上最难做的事是什么 he says he`ll write a letter soon 可以这么说吗?\he says he`ll soon write a letter soon是副词嘛 副词可以加在动词后的 是这样吧 我在读英文 很喜欢自己改句子 但又怕改错 如果错了 麻烦请告诉我下错哪 求教:he says he'll write a letter soon.变直接引语怎么变? 请问he says that he will sell the house与he says he will warite a letter soon为什么一个没有that 而一个有呢?是否都可以省略