
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:52:55
是have sone connections with对?还是have some connection with对? In my dream,she always has a face .貌似是《friends》里面的一句对话. 英语翻译and her parents.remainds是不是错了 If you help me make the car work again,you___(give)some money for your work. ---What about some soy milk?They are full of protein?.A.Yes,I’d love to.B.No,thanks C.I want to get vitamin D.It’s terrible如果非要用肯定回答呢?该怎么说? We can finish the work better if you give us some help.We will _ _ _ finish the work better if you help us. how about some noodles?是啥意思?中文翻译. help yourself to some tea after the hard work_____ yourself to some tea after the hard workA.Enjoy B.Drink C.Help答案选的是C,为什么》 She always said that it was because of her children that she went on with hr work-- and in doing so.请问and in doing so 英语翻译Mrs.Tang was rather worried but her husband said that she always made too much fuss about nothing and went on reading the newspaper. matlab如何把2个方程放到一个一行2列的矩阵中求解比如 x[x1,x2] y[y1,y2] x1+y1=3+2*i,x1*y1=6*ix2+y2=1+2*i,x2*y2=2*i要是我一个个的用下面的方法解要写好多,因为x,y不止是2个,谁能把这2个合成矩阵的形式呀 Mathmatic软件,用列组元素消去法解矩阵方程用列组元素消去法编写一个程序解方程 1 2 3 x1 1 { 4 5 6 }{ x2 }={ 2 };7 8 9 x3 3 Mike lives---Zhengzhou of China.But he is--Canada.he is 12 years old this year.He--English.He likesChinese a---but he can speak onld a--.Mingming is his good friend.He is a Chinese.---.He helps Mike---Chinese.Mike has a pet at--.It is a dog.He likes Mike likes many lesson( ) Chinese and English是介词 英语精英的宝贝们快出来 快来宝贝英语怎么说 快点宝贝英文怎么写 "宝贝快点回来"英文怎么说? 宝贝快回来英文怎么说, what can you find in the center of oranges?____ what can you find in the center of orange?____ I can't find the lbrary .What____ I ______(do)I can't find the lbrary .What____ I ______(do) 北京到武汉坐火车要多长时间 Pandas like eating _____ and elephants like eating ______. 29.__________like eating bamboo shoots and leaves very much.A.Tigers B.Pandas C.Dolphins29.__________like eating bamboo shoots and leaves very much.A.Tigers B.Pandas C.Dolphins D.Kangaroos 30.☆The flowers look_________,so they sell___________.A.goo I like eating(吃) _______ and __________.A.tomatoes,chickenB.tomatos,chickensC.tomatos,chickenD.tomatoes,chickens What __ __do you like?I like koalas and pandas,__. 有Iris这个英文名吗意思是什麽这个名子好吗如果不好能不能再给我取一个好听的名 关于英文名Iris的读音如题,不用过多的介绍名字的来历,我知道是鸢尾花,也是彩虹女神的名字.我是想知道这个名字的读音,因为不同的语言有不同的发音.单是我知道的就有好几种,像 艾莉丝,伊 正确发音是怎样的啊? 英文名Iris请问这个英文名用的人多不多?大家觉得Clare Iris好听还是Lene Iris好听? ______do they like?They like fruit.