
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:03:56
求五份入党积极分子转为预备党员的思想汇报,每份1500字左右.重赏~ Last week,only two people came to look at the house,but none of them wanted to buy it.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,neither of whom wanted to buy it.如何区别开定语从句和并列句. but后面是接从句还是并列句? 电子商务系统与电子商务的区别按点来说明以《电子商务技术与应用》一书为依据 “程序和职业的区别”你确定吗?我不同意。别忘了我是学电子商务的。只是想得到全面的答案。请用专业 脆弱性 用英语? 为什么要强调电子商务系统运营?或电子商务系统运营的重要性?这个是问答题.有没有详细的解答? 朝秦暮楚 察言观色是指哪位诗人?里头的成语,第一个成语四个字里有一个字是姓,第二个成语四个字里有一个字是名 急 The Internet has changed the way we live.这是什么句型?we live前不用加什么介词吗? 为什么物质运动具有波动性?另外波动性跟能量有关系么? 一切物体都具有波动性吗?是必须是运动的物体才有波动性的吗? 旅游经济活动研究对象是什么 减少旅游经济活动波动性的原因 措施 . The teacher would like to choose ______he thinks is energetic and clever monitor of the class.A those who B anyoneC whomeverD whoever(这几个怎么区分?) the teacher would like to choose (whoever)he thinks is energetic and clever as monitor为什么不可以whose who?anyone? The Green`s house is larger than ____ foreign english tutor!im a taiwanese student currently a studying at Peking University Health and Science Centerim looking for a foreign student in beijing (preferably has some medical knowledge)who is interested in teaching me english communication 请完成下面的广告English Tutor___1___.English Tutor___1___.Are you an__2__teacher?Are you__3__ __4___children?Do you have_5___on Saturday and Sunday?We need a woman teacher__6__our daughter.She is twelve and is not__7__ ___8__English.For the j Dose anyone need English tutor?Hi everyone,My daughter and I planning to visit Beijing from United stated this summer.I graduated from University of Iowa,United Stated.We would like to earn some money to help this trip by tutoring English.So if anyon Need a foreign language English tutor本人口语不好,书面的一般水平My oral English is poor,but my reading comprehension is OK.Please contact me by leaving a message here.I am in Tianjin. The beautiful lady ( )two books ( ) the hands is our English teacher.(说明原因)A.has inB.has onC.with inD.with on All radio presenters begin work with the same question的翻译 到新东方学SAT,一次多长时间?边上学边准备可以吗?大约要多久?在省示范高中,英语年级前80 要考sat,高二上学期寒假学新东方晚吗我爸妈说除非连考三次全年级前三名,才可能让我去学新东方,否则SAT免谈 马上高一下学期开学,不知会不会太晚了,我跟我爸妈是在没法沟通郁闷死. 我英语平时110分,在新东方可以学什么SAT班? catch me if you can我想看看这本书的原著,不是电影哦是作者的自传,有的朋友请分享一下中文的最好,英文的也行在网上 怎么没有相关的一点信息 “壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆”中的疆是什么意思1 a few years time中的year为何要加s 有关女儿经的典故是典故呀 求CATCH ME IF YOU CAN 《逍遥法外》电子书,英文版最好,中文也可请发邮箱nancyzhang0302@hotmail.com多谢. 女儿是父亲上辈子的情人这句话是谁说的? 求catch me if you can 《猫鼠游戏》 的视频 On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow这句话中文意思