
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:17:45
‘我是...是...是...这...,它是...是...是...’造句 用‘对于……,我……;但是对于……,我是……’造句 用否则和还造句 用从和我是造句(2个) We learn English by reading the textbook改为一般疑问句.______ English by reading the textbook? We were all shocked____the news of his death. 这个填什么? 急 谢谢了 We were all shocked ______ the news that Jane was married _____a very old为什么是A?marry with有这个词组么? 翻译:We were greeted at the front door by our host. Who went into our house when we were at the The audience were shocked by the scenes of violence in the film.The audience was enjoying every minute of the performance.为什么两个句子中的audience后一个用单数一个用复数? Did you have fun on your trip?Did you __ __ __ __ on your trip?Did you have fun on your trip?Did you __ __ __ __ on your trip?We both have visited the Great Wall.__ __ us have visited the Great Wall. Amy is fifteen years old.millie is eighteen years old.合并成一句 "To make a child love book from the very beginning is of great help."中的"of"可以省略吗? notebook,the,studies,with,is,a,great,help,my.如何组句子 didn't I'm you on your sorry have off fun day 如何成句? 选择 I am sorry you didn't hane fun______ your_____,out B.on,off,way D.on,leavehave打错了 关于英语句法主句是过去完成时从句用什么主句是过去时从句用什么主句是现在时从句用什么主句是现在进行时从句用什么主句是现在完成时从句用什么主句是一般将来时从句用什么最好可 What___ great help your advice is?A./ B.a D.the 选哪一个呢?help 是可数的吗? I think the school trip( ) great填was还是is It is very great()you to help the disabled children nobody,no one是单数吗 no one是第三人单数吗? 人际关系比真才实学更重要的事例速度好的加100分 人际关系比真才实学更重要 一道功的物理题,和英语定语从句和宾语从句的一些语法问题,希望您能帮我解答,1.在向车上装货物是,常常用木板搭个斜面,把货物推上去,这样可以省力.工人师傅用500N的力沿着长4m的斜面,将重 用从 我是造句 用(从...,我是,从....我是)造句就是第8客<<中华少年>>里的! 快~~快语文书中的我不要,要书外的 用“我是···总是·····”造句 造句 如果我是...例句:如果我是一泓清泉,我将滋润一方土地. 如果我是... 如何反驳 真才实学比人际关系重要我们要参加辩论赛 对方论点是 真才实学比人际关系重要 请问向对方提出什么问题来反驳他们的观点呢 英语句法We all want to be made man of.不太理解,意思及其结构到底是怎么样的?还有:Wood was made all furniture of.第一句是Ralph Waldo Emerson作品中的句子,望知情者提供所在章节, 真才实学比人际关系重要? 有spend.on doing sth