
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:17:29
谁能教我念英语的拼音啊? 这句英文怎么念啊?谁能用拼音念出告诉我?Listen to the wind,look at the sky,feel the sun,is another feeling .My Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1. 英语念,装的儿,怎么拼写啊 One afternoon just before Chrismas,a kind old man was walking in the street when he saw a little bo 博物馆要求参观的游客不能在馆内拍照用英语怎么说 When he saw me in the street,he stopped ____(talk)with me. he was walking in the street __ he saw his old friend John.A.before B.when When bob was walking in the street ,he saw something strange-----his fly over B.filing over原因 when i was in the chengdu i saw teahouses everywhere in the street.这文章的答案发发 2014南京青奥会会徽有什么含义? 已知关于x的方程ax^2+(a+1)x+3=0有2个实根,一根大于1,一根小于1,求实数a的取值范围请讲仔细, 青山不老给老人写信 such as中文翻译 英语翻译such as我们应该怎么做 英语翻译He is not such a fool as he looks.Don’t read such books as you can’t understand. 微留学的好处英语作文 留学热的英语作文Advantages良好的语言环境,利于语言学习.拓展视野,学习外国先进科学技术.传播各民族的不同文化Disadvantages年纪小,缺乏生活经验自理能力差,情感孤独,思乡.生活学习费用高 我是女的,你为作业让写儿子给爸爸写信不会写,写个范文,参考参考.(别太肉麻)! 怎么样给爸爸写信 写信给爸爸怎么写 怎样给爸爸写信如何给爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶写信? such as writers怎么翻译 生物英语单词的音标 关于国外留学利弊谈的英语作文作文不要太长 最好四段 谈谈对大学生化妆的看法 英语作文作文,120单词,通顺就行 书店有卖典范英语7的吗 I have to see the doctor.为什么要用HAVE? 朋友离别时,我想起了李白的诗句: I have to see the doctor because I ____ a lot lately.A. have been coughingB. had coughedC. coughedD. cough解释越详细越好!请解释D为什么错误 I have to go to the doctor.(对the doctor提问),疑问词用what还是where? My head h____badly,I have to see a doctor 中、西方文化差异比较的英文手抄报(比较通过中、西方的饮食、礼仪、风俗习惯等)