
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:53:29
what about giving up smoking? 为什么用giving up而不是give up Finally,we fixed a day for us to give up smoking.同义句Finally,we__(两个空)a day for us to give up smoking. 观中国达人秀刘伟有感600字作文 musical和music 有什么区别 be help you!该怎么翻译和解释——语法上,形意上,含义上. 看一下这个英语句子His most exciting invitation was to perform on TV program.为什么要用was to...这是什么用法?可不可以是was performing... 最后一分钟结尾的省略号作用是什么 Brothers and sisters,also help me!I find the material,for your reference.(1) xiao Ming see dad did的否定形式怎么写? usually compter beautiful student 找不同 cute student use cut 的 u 辨音 不同的是? He traveled to the southern part of the country,( )he got many ideas for t1、He traveled to the southern part of the country,( )he got many ideas for tA、who B、where C、which D、that2、The mother got a good job on the farm,( )provided edtra in A country must always be___guard against spies and rebels.A.in B.to C.with D.on So do I.这种句型的否定形式?就是比如He won*t go to concert.后面是So do I.还是 So won*t I. 【用所给词的适当形式填空】It takes me 10 minutes --{ride} to school. SO I DO 有没有否定式?So do I 否定是 Neither/Nor do ISo I do 有没有否定式?是表示“我确实不是”吗? so do I与So I do 这种两种形式的解释 名词解释题:Anglo-saxon Invasion ,Civil Service (U,k.) 象牙塔是什么意思?有何來歷? _You were foolish not to follow your parents' advice_Yes.I regret _____ that1.to do 2.to be doing3.to have done4.having done profile change button Chinese cool change这是什么意思 No change for China's i want it all 是谁作词作曲 口语中Amazing deal. 商业用语中“成交”怎么翻译,比较口语化一点的.deal 这个单词可以单独列一句,表示成交的意思吗? 如题.盎格鲁-撒克逊时期沿袭的英文单词(英语中的本土单词)Anglo-Saxon words(Anglo-Saxon words for animals,French words for meat) 英语翻译用 easy 英语翻译1.不许脏话 2.不乱穿马路3.不随手仍垃圾 大家帮忙看看哈——这英语句子……We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.这句话中的 may 做什么成分? surrounding和environment作为名词“环境”来说它们之间有什么区别? condition和environment的区别