
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:19:03
英语怎么说? 我爸爸不喜欢买东西用英语怎么说 我的爸爸不喜欢购物.用英语怎么说 今天的天气阳光明媚这句病句怎么改 kate does not do any work because she is ill.对划线部分提问划线部分为because she is ill 描写中秋节的好词好句.不要诗句啊.今天就要啊... ____Kate _____(speak)French?yes,she does回答并给我简单的将以下 Kate is a nice girl.She says______But does much.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few 呆在家里太无聊了用英语怎么说 今天很无聊用英语怎么说 邓小平领导的改革,走的是农村包围城市的道路;与毛泽东领导的新民主主义革命道路路线相同?二者有无必然联系? 英语冷笑话求助There was a Packers fan with a really lame seat at Lambeau. Looking with his binoculars, he spotted an empty seat on the 50-yard line. Thinking to himself "what a waste" he made his way down to the empty seat. When he arrived at Would you like some apples?Yes,——.No,——. Would you like some dumplings?a,Yes,I would.b,No,thanks c,Yes,I do d,No,I don't I can eat rice ,meat ,vegetables and some o___ food.We have n___ and d___.(根据首字母填空) 1.Can I have some chicken for lunch?there is ___chicken home but you can eat some beefA;some B;many C;much D;little 丨 应该选第几个 为什么 @@求答 I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice为什么 vegetable 要加s 单选 we keep some—— nd we have some —— to eat A chicken chicken B chikens chickensC chicen chickens D chickens chicken 5条著名广告语 we have some rice『一般疑问句』什么you什么什么rice we have some money,改成一般疑问句是过去式的,是 Did you have some money 还是 Did you have any money?虽然没分但还是谢谢您了 -would you like ( ) water?-( ) A.some;no,thanks B.any;no,thanks C.some;the same to youD.any; the same to you 请问冷笑话和脑筋急转弯的英语怎么说?如题? 今天我将要给你们讲一个冷笑话”这句话用英语怎么说如题), 英语翻译内容是有一只老羊和一只年轻的羊在吃草,年轻的羊问老羊说:草是什么味?老羊回答:草没味(年轻的羊以为是说草莓味)所以就吃了,年轻的羊觉得很诧异!老羊说草没味,羊就知道了. 有健康且内容较长的英语冷笑话吗下星期轮到我做英语演讲,我打算主题是冷笑话,给个比较好翻译成英文的冷笑话, i eat rice for lunch和i eat some rice for lunch哪个对/更好? I'm hungry.i'd like to eat some rice.找错误.那个是意外啊!你再找找 They have some foreign friends at school (改为单数句) 英语翻译小企鹅有一天问他奶奶,“奶奶奶奶,我是不是一只企鹅啊?”“是啊,你当然是企鹅.”小企鹅又问爸爸,“爸爸爸爸,我是不是一只企鹅啊?”“是啊,你是企鹅啊,怎么了?” “可是,可是我 you should eat some rice, noodles or bread erery day什么意思还有you should also eat a lots of vegetables and fruit呵呵,还有meat,chicken,fish and eggs are good for much we fish have some here连词成句