
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:34:54
排列组合问题 有白球6只,黑球4只,任取3只球,则其中至少有一只黑球概率是?(5/6) 双对数坐标的两个坐标轴上的数值是什么样的对应关系?比如这张图上的 __ The earth to be flat,many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge.A.Having believed B.Believing C.Believed D.Being believed请高手给个确切的答案,讲下其中的语法知识,再翻译下这句话, ______ the earth to be flat, manyfeared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.A) Having believed B) Believing C) Believed D) Being believed请详解原因,谢谢. believing the earth to be flat,many feared that 中to be flat在句中作什么成分 以及to be用法是什么? 松赞干布头顶上顶的东西是什么 是一个小孩 不知是什么 在初中历史课本下册中可以看见的 应该说Used it to be thought that the earth was flat吧答案选Used it be thought that the earth was flat觉得不大对劲儿 古文中对美食描述的句子,或者是具体到燕鲍翅参等等的句子 不懂题目意思,不会做,拜托啦,英语题目. 怎么回复?额, 南徐小学甘肃省少年儿童出版社四年级寒假作业语文答案 甘肃少年儿童出版社语文配套练习册五年级下册第7课含英咀华答案急 南徐小学甘肃省少年儿童出版社四年级语文寒假作业答案 甘肃少年儿童出版社 填四字词和短语答案 cuz its never so cold never snows The weather here never gets too hot,__?A.isn't it B.Does it C.Is it D.doesn't it It‘s cold,but not as cold as here. my friend think I have taken his money and he told others about it.What should I do?如题,用英文答,80词左右,太短 我需要建议,可以澄清我的清白 一盒中有5红球5白球按如下方式取,求取到2红2白的概率1>逐个取,无返回2>逐个取,取后返回 初三英语选择( )I really don't care what others think of me.But I think you———.( ) I really don't care what others think of me.But I think you———.A.could B.would C.should D.migh理由是... 影响通电螺线管磁性强弱的因素有哪三种 参的组词 If.There really is if 和 If have really if 有什么区别? 硫酸溅到皮肤上能用干布擦吗? Actually as an AI,I don't really have a mother. 等势面的问题为什么同种电荷之间的等势面中间是趋向尖的,而异种电荷则是中间半径小弧2变半径大弧,为什么不是都是以电荷为原点的同心圆?此外为什么同种电荷电势相加,异种相减?本人初 ANSYS 如何评估网格密度 (转载,略有修改) 0.如图所示,真空中有一个固定的点电荷,电荷量为+Q.图中的虚线表示该点电荷形成的电场中的四个等势面.有两个一价离子M、N(不计重力,也不计它们之间的电场力)先后从a点以相同的速率 在ANSYS中,如何判断网格是否合理 Love is so This is really love Love's appearance什么意思 actually和really的区别Actually,l doI really do为什么是这样呢 参组词有哪些