
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:11:23
第67题.为什么不能写concerned?在这里concern是名词吗? 当concern作名词译为“关系;利害关系”时造个句子谢谢! those are her 后面应填什么? decide not to 的同义句 转换怎么改这个有关高三的英语,请 浙教版八年级科学上作业本a浮力三第9题速度啊探空气象气球所载仪器质量为2.7千克,球内所充氢气的密度为0.09千克每平方米,空气的密度为1.29千克每平方米,球内所充的氢气质量至少为多 浙教版八年级上科学作业本A浮力3第9题探空气象气球所载仪器及球壳总质量为2.7千克,球内所充氢气的密度为0.09千克/米3.为了使这只气球能够升空,球内所充氢气的质量至少为多少千克? 人欲利己先利与人,人欲达己先达人是什么意思 请问He has great concern for others 这里的has是什么意思 为什么不用is 己欲立而先立人,己欲达而先达人;祥解 You know safe is very important to people.请问此句中的safe是做主语吗?如果是,那请问在此处它是名词吗?为什么辞典上名词一览没有安全这个意思.都是什么保险箱之类的. The party has great concern for us students请大家帮我分析一下这个句子的成分,祝大家新年快乐,发大财!回答这个问题的发大财,看到了没回复的也发大财同乐同乐 Never be sad for what you do yesterday,it's over.But still,you can grasp the present 如题上面这句谁能帮我翻译下哈, 选择:You can never be _____.A.careful enough B.too careful为什么? run this shit fack 还有什么来这 There( )( )any water in cup.括号里填什么 一、同义句.There isn't any water in the cup.There a一、同义句.There isn't any water in the cup.There aren't any tall building in the villagr.I have no stamps. 安然无恙成语接龙()—()—()—()—() 成语接龙安然无恙50个同上 cinema is (far或nere)from here括号里填什么 为什么 I am very hard to do I can do is hope that "you" can see my heart, looking forward, hope. The dentist thought he must be very.The dentist thought he must be very ill. 舌侧音[r][h]应该算浊辅音还是清辅音?如果都不算的话那么以他们结尾的单词+s和加ed怎么发音?不过我还真没印象哪个单词是以这两个音标结尾的,不知道是我孤陋寡闻还是真的就没有 单词以D和T结尾,是不是不发音?还有没有其他什么规则?非常感谢您的答. 谁知道beacuse of you的歌词?一个外国女的唱的 我也不知道他叫什么名 真好听 Beacuse of you 中文歌词.I will not make the same mistakes that you didI will not let myself cause my heart so much miseryI will not break the way you didYou fell so hardI learned the hard way,to never let it get that farBecause of youI never stra beacuse of you中文歌词? Beacuse of you的歌词 beacuse of you歌词 2009.6 上海pet3成绩什么时候可以查询 1.had,you,drive,better,slowly 2.Carol has to do the work again.(一般疑问句)1.had,you,drive,better,slowly2.Carol has to do the work again.(一般疑问句)3.The dog jumps into the water,_______________?4.You mother went to the country,didn;t she? 成语偶对_刀山火海