
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:21:49
He is ________a writer as a reporter.A more B rather C not much D not as much选什么为什么 想知道:宁德市宁德市晒蓝图在哪? 今年的国庆作文 谁知道今年语文作文的热门事例是什么? 拉布拉多犬智商怎么样? 英语定语从句中live的用法,请帮我解决几个句子第一句:This is the house where I have lived for five years.have lived 后面不用宾语么?第二句:We got to a farm where lived a farmer and his wife.lived 后面不用宾语么? 假文盲 六年级作文600字,要引议联结,最重要的是要有议!急0.0 e是平行四边形abcd的边ab的中点,F是DC延长线上的任意一点,则S△EBF:S平行四边形ABCD= 如下左图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AC垂直AB,若BC=10cm,AC=8cm,则AB= cm,DC= cm,AD= cm 下表是王明家2010年家庭支出情况.教育开支45%生活开支30%旅游开支10%其他开支15%(1)比较这个家庭支出情况的有关数据,你发现了什么?(2)如果教育开支比其他开支多15000元,王明家总开支 如果教育开支比其他开支多15000元,王明家总开支是多少元?下面有表啊 what are you getting ( ).I dont undersand what u want to say.该填个啥呢 拼音:mou怀注音写字:mou为第二声,这个词语是什么? since,for,ago与时间搭配的意义曲别 Waiting for USB device... 1. Make sure USB cable, Battery and charger are removed from device.2. Insert USB cable to device3. Insert Battery to device4. Insert Charger to device--- Press phone's power button! --- territorial interaction是什么 Interaction activities Let ♣m = m2 + 10.Which of the following is equal to ♣(♣2)?Let ♣m = m2 + 10.Which of the following is equal to ♣(♣2)?(A) ♣10(B) 2(♣10) - 14(C) (♣4) + 200(D) ♣196(E) ♣206♣m = m^2 + 一道sat数学 if 0≤x≤8 and -1≤y≤3,which of the following gives the set of all possible values ofif 0≤x≤8 and -1≤y≤3,which of the following gives the set of all possible values of xy?A.xy=4B.0≤xy≤24C.-1≤xy≤11D.-1≤xy≤24E.- 英文写作时上一段用At the same time,下一段应用什么好呢 一句话不太明白,“Charlie,I only hope the big order you just landed wasn’t one of my customers,” I said.“Hell,no.I couldn’t sell a box of #10 envelopes to a chain-letter freak.”“Then why are you out here beating the daylights out o 保法止里一句话请求解释这句话是 停止用药后疗效可在12月内发生逆转 是指12月后头发恢复到原来水平 还是 12月后开始有继续脱的症状jack207君 你的意思是说药效逐渐衰减 直至没有药效吗? 英语翻译Entry to year 12 (Lower Sixth Form) is subject to interview,report and 6 grade A-C passes at GCSE.主要是里面的两部分:(Lower Sixth Form)和GCSE分别指什么?这句话的前一句是Entry from year 3 through to year 10 is sub rival是什么意思 一段英文有一句话不太明白...> RT,求括号括起来那句的意思.> > For each test case,print one line of the form n = a + b,where a and b are odd primes.Numbers and operators should be separated by exactly one blank like in the sample o few hb, take it too would long 连词成句 It won't work; ____,it would take too long,and secondly it would cost too much.A.start with B.to begin withC.at first D.begin with为什么c不对? 某班去年有6人,占全班的8/1.今年人数占全班总人数的16/3,今年有几名团员 Our Own Hardware Furnitrue Store请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 hard discounter是什么意思