
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:50:17
有什么办法能很快记住英语单词? 英汉互译 速回 几道英语翻译题目~~求各位翻译高手帮忙翻译~急求!在线等!1、在上周日的白天我在做作业(Last Sunday,during the day)2、昨晚大约七点钟,我在看电视(At about seven o'clock last night)3、今天早上,在 70 percent of the students here____from the countryside.A is B are C comes D has comeYour trousers____dirty,Your must have ____washed.A is,it B are,it C are,them D is,themThe rest of the magazines____within half an hour.A is sold out B are sold out C 1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op 英语翻译Limitations of our study refer to country- and industry-specific conditions that may reduce the external validity and the transferability of our results to other markets or supply chain settings.The survey results reflect the views of lar 他们有好朋友吗?.翻译成英语 英语中“Thank you(谢谢)”的回答是什么?3Q是OK?是No Problem?还是什么别的?有多少种啊? 英语中Thank you和sorry的回答怎么样合适用That's All right来回答这英语"谢谢"和"对不起"合适吗? 这是一道英语题~请认真回答~thank you!The world is using up its oil fast,so we must save fuel. The government must rely_____the public to save energy. People must be encouraged_____ their efforts and they should pride themselves_____ sa 英语对话中,别人对你说THANK YOU ,回答SURE对吗? 在英系国家如何回答“Thank you”?总感觉 Wellcome 说起来有点傻呼呼的...而且如果我失去 做客的话,说Wellcome 也不太合适吧~我之前在新西兰呆几个月~我回答的时候 一般会说 All right~因为我在国 我的好朋友英文作文 请英语达人翻译下面的一篇日记,要手译的啊,电脑翻译我看的出来的事件: 今天一大早就起床洗刷准备了,吃完早餐, 带上笔记本及实践合同便出门了..今天是实习的第一天,昨晚时刻提醒自己 1500个最基本的英语单词是哪些?要全部的 别人对我说thank you ,我应怎样回答?我对英语一窍不通啊!别人对我说 我应该怎么回答啊?如果不回答,显得多不好! 英语翻译我的祖国很美丽.有绮丽的风景,淳朴的人民.我喜欢我的家.小巧的鸟儿为她歌唱,美丽的花朵为她开放.美好的祖国是我的母亲,她用肥沃的土壤养育了我们,用甜美的水滋润了我们.在此 推荐几首好听的英文歌!Thank you本人比较喜欢听 < In the end> 求几首跟这两首差不多风格的歌! 英语翻译灾区那位伟大的母亲牺牲自己救孩子时手机上的遗言, 宝贝,拥有你我就拥有整个世界,我永远爱你!怎么翻译? 英语thank you和 i am sorry有几种回答方式,要全最好尽可能全, 问几个基本的英语单词英语第十二,第二十.序数词怎么变的“讨论”这个单词的名词是arguement还是argumentarguement还是argument,到底是哪个啊 为什么英语单词意思知道,句子却读不通例如,四级词汇整个字典我都背下来了,单看单词的意思我都能说出中文意思,但是一组成句子哪怕是再简单的一些单词我都没办法理解出中文意思,就是 谁能把下面的句子读通:猪是的念来过倒. 英语翻译20. 几个数字翻译下! 请问这句话"我们应该树立社会主义荣辱观,拥有良好的思想道德品质"用英语怎么说? 用道德成就品质 用英语怎么说 1.单选In 1850,about a third of U.S.A.______covered by forests.A.were B.has been C./ D.was2.单选We_____happy about the price of meat.A.don't B.are not C.won't D.weren't being3.单选You_____make such mistakes again.A.should never B.should not alwa 1.The forests of the tropics produce a magnificent growth of trees,but commercial lumbering is inhibited by problems that increase the cost of removal.The proliferation of species that is common to all tropical forests creates difficulties because ma 几道英语题,请高手帮忙1.The number of wild animals in the world is getting_________ A.smaller and smaller B.higher and higher C.more and more D.less and less2.Mother was very _______tomorrow.If it _______,I won't go hiking. A . 求解释谁个英文好的When you registered with our site, you asked to receive Nexon Newsletter,if you wish to be excluded from this newsletter, notify us here. ? ? ?. ? ? ? [?]? ? ?. Please do not respond to this message by using the "Reply" b 求英文超级好的朋友帮我解释一下这句英语是什么意思?我申请官解我的苹果手机,客服给我回的邮件。As informed earlier,we can't unlock your iPhone unless the bar is removedfrom it。在线翻译的就算了。我