
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:17:20
金属钼在电炉中的作用 英语翻译原句是:I want to stay friends with Tom,but I'm not sure it's going to work any more. She is funny.的问句是什么? She is( funny)对括号内提问 what are the terrible effects of bad habits 老师留得作业···用英语概述一下 3Q what are the effects of the spanish-american war in 1898?用英语回答 不是翻译 what are the cause and effects of gambling addiction?词典翻译:什么是造成赌瘾的原因还有赌瘾的影响 英语翻译后一句 给别人踩空间什么留言比较好?最好有新意一点啊 谢谢啦 给别人踩空间有什么好留言? 哪位高人能指点下"tell"&"ask"的区别? 我来踩空间了 用英语怎么说 ask advise tell 区别 tell,talk,ask,make有什么区别?要语法上的区别 what are the negativ and the positive effects of a virtual life?用英文回答,150个词就够了, 2.What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life有急用.What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life要英语论文四五分钟就可以了 对:what are some of the positive and negative effects of non-white immigrant in british society? the positive effects of a virtual life只关于积极的方面,有四五点 Moving 英语高手帮下小弟的忙! Daming sent an e-mail to his family yesterday .(用now 改写句子) Her family is chinese.Here your watch is .句子中的错误改正 What are the environmental effects of water conservancy projects?水利工程对环境有什么影响?请用英语回答. 英文男生唱的,挺老的歌,节奏不快,高潮是 just to lei ba i ,just to类大概就是那,整首歌好像就三分钟,以前有后来遗失了,求歌名啊, 急,想不通这个英语短句的构成,for + return to somewhere介词FOR 后面一般是加名词或者是doing形式的动词的,prepare for 后面也是应该接名词的,return to moon 不是一个名词短语吧?为什么会有这种构成法 sending,t,to,an,family,am,my,email,连词成句说一说怎么连 英语翻译 如题(注意!精密仪器 禁止踩踏)求英文翻译 英语翻译要精炼.文艺.不要拖过来的 Un'emergenza d'amore 如果用中文怎么发音唱知道工作量有点大,多给点分吧 .这首是意大利语的,实在没法唱了 ask和tell 哪个语气强硬一点? Un'emergenza d'Amore中文名是什么呢?就是我空间第一首 un emergenza d amore的汉语音译把该歌曲音译成汉语,注意,是音译,不是翻译.