
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:08:06
take place和show up的用法有哪些 把一件事情弄砸用英语怎么说?就是那个什么什么“...up”,一个短语. 一个英语词组有点搞can't help to docan't help doingcan't help do 祖国60年来的发展40字左右 Don’t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can’t get.Don't give up the英文翻译Don’t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can’t get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those 翻译题:I don't think we can find anything useful in the small shop. 25,minutes,it,about,walk,takes,to(.) gets,at,he,every,day,o"clock,six,up(.)25,minutes,it,about,walk,takes,to(.) gets,at,he,every,day,o"clock,six,up(.)usually,about,the bus ride,takes,10minutes(.)do,get,school,how,to,you?the subway,take,Imust,that,be, If we eat them before a meal,who may take away our appetite.有点急……If we eat them before a meal,who may take away our appetite.这句话那里错了?答案是把who 改成 they,但是为什么呢?是从什么地方推断出来的?要怎么样 We were there Tom has breakfast at six 0' clock.(对划线部分提问)划线部分:at six 0' clock I could not expect it 怎么翻译 I just want to live with you now.everyday,each engraved 怎么翻译 锻炼身体,增强体质用英语怎么说?最好是用书面语拜托了各位 锻炼能增强体质,提高学习效率的英文怎么说? 别人提问what is my family name?我该怎么回答,比如他姓裘 Where are all the time,painful day is coming Were it not for the fact that the theatre ______ 20 miles away, I would walk here.A. had been B. was C. is D. be 问:what is his(he) name?答His(he) name is smith 意思:他姓什么?史密斯 应该用his还是he 会的来.问问:what is this in English?答:1.it is a map 2.it is map 回答应该是第一种还是第二种 运动可以增强体质,改善睡眠质量,消除紧张.这句话怎样翻译成英文 What is“last name”in Chinese?姓氏 姓名What is“last name”in Chinese?姓氏 姓名 最后的名字 如何用汇编程序点亮数码管的小数点位用单片机的汇编语言怎么点亮4位共阴数码管,是直接置位就可以吗?我的数码管是用74HC573和单片机连接的 怎么点亮数码管的小数点拜托各位了 3Q怎么点亮数码管的小数点 比如 22.30.1 中的小数点怎么点亮?小数点单独占一位数码管~我用的是汇编~数码管书共阴极的! BCD七段数码管怎么点亮小数点0000-1001分别使数码管显示0-9,那么小数点该怎么点亮呢 怎样输出数码管的小数点 英语翻译Is there any harm in letting a child get used to taking a cozy toy lik a woolly animal to bad with him?Definitely not.If a toy gives him a sense of comfort and companionship,it's good for him.Human begins are born sociable.It's not surpri lf we eat them after a meal ,they ___(be)not bad for us. "7段数码管"英文怎么说 甲、乙两人相约10天之内在某地会面,约定先到的人等候另一个人3天之外后方可离开,若他们在期限内到达...甲、乙两人相约10天之内在某地会面,约定先到的人等候另一个人3天之外后方可离开, destiny takes a hand我知道 命中注定 能说一些跟它相关的人或事吗 关于Destiny takes a hand的意思是“命中注定”的意思我知道,就想知道大家对这句话的看法 destiny taks a 如题 根据句意及单词首字母填空:I r_____ around the lake every day.It’s good for my health.