
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:33:42
They all went to the hospital to see our teacher except( ).A,he and I B,she and he C,you and me D,me and you选什么详细解释一下,谢谢! 小学五年级语文上册学会看病句中的怔表示什么体会出母亲什么 today,is,over,all,bowling,world,the,popular(.)连词成句 五年级上册20课学会看病课文讲了一件什么事 帮我取英文名,最好跟中文发音相近我的中文姓名:蔡华锋 性别:男.van表示什么含义,好像跟我的中文名字发音没有什么关系啊.同时英文名字尽量好记一点,易发音. 请帮我取英文名,最好跟中文发音相近我的中文名:诗敏 女孩子 各位帮忙取个英文名,跟中文发音相似些的潘锦卿 我中文名叫“凯翔”,帮忙取个英文名,最好与中文发音类似的. 寡人之於国也的现实意义 面试时应如何回答为什么选择这份工作 社区工作者面试题目是什么 初中数学与小学数学如何衔接 小学数学与初中数学如何衔接 详细�� “寡人”是什么意思? 看看这几个英语选什么,没有正确答案,自己补充,原因 ,否则不给分.1.The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they ( ) win the championship.A should B could2.If we had taken such effecive measures much earlier,the river 请把下列词语补充完整,并按要求各写两个词语.即选即答.卓有成效 坚持不懈 司空见惯 革故鼎新 舍本逐末 风华正茂 不耻下问 百炼成钢表示专心做事的词语有:( ) ( )表示品德高尚的词 请帮我看看问题补充中的英语题目选择以下答案的原因,(C)1.I got up late this morning.That is _____ I was late for school.A.because B.so C.why D.but(A)2._________useful advice Qu Yuan gave the king in his country!A.What B.What an C 造句,捧腹大笑 回答我,星星永远是星星吗? 用一首歌名回答天上星星有几颗 病句they were arguing with which prodram to watch有一处错误,请明确指出,并说明理由! 34.what they said,we would go on with what we were doing.A.In contrast with B34.what they said,we would go on with what we were doing.A.In contrast with B.In relation toC.On behalf of D.Regardless of so that's what happens when mythbusters got bored with what they were supposed to test翻译这句话我的翻译是这次发生的事让他们以后都只测试些无聊的流言 1.Thanks for inviting me _____ the evening party A to B for 什么情况下必须用不定式作宾语补足语在某些特定词语后用不定式不用写(已知),其他的详细写下, 不定式作宾语和不定式作宾语补足语的区别如i want you to go away和i want to go away 分别是什么结构?怎么分析? —So kind of you to help me carry the bag. —__________.—So kind of you to help me carry the bag.—___________.A.It doesn't matter B.No problemC.With pleasure D.My pleasure 古人读书用功事例 英语对话,初三上学期的知识 youaregreat ,you got an A English last term ——————A:youaregreat ,you got an A English last term——————------B:I learn English by joining an English language clubA:-sounds good ,then h 数列Sn=n平方+2n,则an=求过程. 厉害怎么翻译成文言文 英语翻译翻译 绝价多生怪柏 绝:故渔者歌曰 故:巴东三峡巫峡长 三:或王命急宣 或:或以钱币丐之 或:略无阙处 阙:城阙辅三秦 阙:在下多谢了.{:)]