
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:50:18
She burst into tears and cried,…这句话有误吗?burst into teats 和cried 表示一个意思,算不算累赘? please 请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t 他仅仅用了5分钟就画好了如此美丽的一只鸟,真让人难以置信用英语怎么说 用上unbelivevable please! 英语句子语法问题,这里为什么要有个forTake the right kind of thought — for to take no thought would be sin — but take calm.译文是:听取正确想法的指引——不加思考是一种罪恶——但是要选择平和的态度. 这个英语句子语法对吗?求纠正.Is my sorry you,I love you too.是我对不起你,我也爱你这个句子总觉得是从中文翻译英文过来的,真正的英文有这么说的么?如果要改,把my改成i句子可以成立么? multiplayer是什么意思 请帮我看看这句英文语法对吗?Regard the meeting with your ABC Co.CFO - Mr Fang on 18 Oct 07,I have booked 0110 Room at 11F in our office.Please review the following address information,if you have any query,please let me know freely. 因为你,我们的生活更加美好怎么用英语说? 求文档:高中英语选修7unit3under the sea说课稿 We had to ._ our discussion because oWe had to ._ our discussion because one of us suddenly got ill .A.take off B.turn off C.break off D.get off 这个又选哪个? 26.We’re looking forward to ( meet ) __________ our new teacher.27.Yesterday I was late getting26.\x05We’re looking forward to ( meet ) __________ our new teacher.27.\x05Yesterday I was late getting to the railway station,but ( fortunate) _______ please Around 12:00,we ran ro KTV because of our late这句怎吗改? 英文翻译 01The many examplesof usage are a special feature ofthese printing devices. "2001"英文翻译2001的英文怎么说?很急啊!快! 欧阳修的别滁的感情基调是什么要结合全诗具体分析 ______ is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Age.答案是That the sun and not the earth.为什么Being the sun and not the earth.不可以呢不是非谓语吗,可以做为主语从句中的主语部分 “远”字共几划? ________ was the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.A.It was the sun and not the earth B.Being the sun and not the earthC.That the sun not the earth D.The sun and not the earth 宋江为什么会被“倒被文了双颊,配来在这里” 为什么宋江说自己 倒被文了双颊,佩来在这里 水浒传宋江为么倒被文了双颊,配来在这里 广告公司求英文名中文名陕西灵睿广告有限公司求灵睿的英文名字,要求上口,便与记忆与识别,最好有深刻内涵,希望高手不吝赐教,挺顺口的,能不能把具体含义罗列出来,2楼的也不错,只是太冗 关于世界知名人物的英文名不管是影视明星还是歌星,经济金融界领袖,IT界精英人物,或是知名政治家,总之只要是有名的人物的英文名都请帮我列出来,比如Bill Gates,Obama,Zac Efron,Emma Watson,Roger Fed 欧阳修的《别滁)一诗,:花光浓烂柳轻明,酌酒花前送我行.我亦且如常日醉,莫教弦管作离声.诗人为什欧阳修的《别滁)一诗,:花光浓烂柳轻明,酌酒花前送我行.我亦且如常日醉,莫教弦管作离声. 促织的描写方法 幽是我的昵称.筱幽有什么含义.我的一个女性朋友的花就叫筱幽..不然有筱幽这个词吗? 英语翻译Each person Always remember,when you interact with someone else,that someone is a person.The recipient of your email,or the voice on the phone,or the individual waiting behind you in line,is a person. 英语翻译翻译软件翻译的就不用发了.Many technologies,including electronics,separation scienceand coatings will be enhanced by the ability to control thestructure of materials on a nanometre-length scale.The abilityto pack high densities 英语翻译