
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:23:21
Wang Li likes to buy a sweater.(改为一般疑问句)怎么改 新的词语 My bother is an engineer和She is keen on sports 的疑问句 Mr,Li is an engineer __professionA by B on这题为什么用by 不用on 英语翻译Older people reject it,saying that media images are changing.Acknowledging that health problems and lack of a partner hinder some people,they point out that sex is more than a physical act and can be expressed in other loving ways 英语翻译I walked ten thousand miles,ten thousand miles to see you.And ever gasp to breath,I grabbed it just to find you.I climbed up every hill to get to you.I wandered ancient lands to hold just you.And every single step of the way,I paid.Every 考研数学题号都写错位了会给分吗?考数学的时候,不小心将19,20,21三道大题的位置给写错位了,有人说是用电脑阅卷的,这是真的吗?那我今年不是有白忙活了,想死的心都有了.为什么我总是这样 an engineer designs technical projects的正确翻译 长方体一个顶点处的三条棱的长度分别为3,4,5,则这个长方体的体对角线长为 设长方体的三条棱长为a,b,c,若长方体所有棱的长度之和为24,一条对角线长度为5,体积为2,则1/a+1/b+1/ 若长方体的一个顶点上的三条棱的长分别为3.4.5,从长方体的一条对角线的一个端点出发,沿表面运动到另一个端点,其最短路程是? 长方体的一个顶点处的三条棱长之比为1:2:3,它的表面积为88,求它的对角线长如题,请问怎么求啊, 长方体同一顶点处的三条棱长的和是5,它的一条对角线的长是3,则这个长方体的面积为多少 否定形式的一般疑问句属不属于反义疑问句 反义疑问句前肯定,后否定,的肯定形式与否定形式(完整回答) students should be encouraged to visit museum 英语作文高二,80字 东亚 沈阳 中国 青岛 亚洲 怎样排序 你怎么去那里?用英文怎么说? tan(a/2)=sina/(1+cosa)是公式吗?除了这个还有什么公式呢 students are going to take the test in two days' time.可不可以写成The students are going to take the test in two days. The students are going to take the test in two days' time.意思是:学生们准备在俩天后就接受测验.请问:能否改成The students are going to take the test in two days.它俩有什么区别?还有:在俩天内怎么说? Else Zantnev中文翻译过来是谁啊?他写过HOW GRANDPA COME INTO THE MONEY的短篇小说~ 长方体的棱长总和怎么算长8,宽6,高5 做这个长方体框架需要铁丝( )厘米,在它的表面贴上硬纸板,至少需要硬纸板( )平方厘米. 长方体棱长总和是什么 求一个长方体棱长的总长度可用(长+宽+高)×4来计算对吗?棱长总长度和棱长总和一样吗? 一个长方体长、宽、高都扩大到原来的3倍,它的棱长总和也扩大3倍 怎么算出来的? 翻译:i.hope.the.information.will.be.of.use.to.you..good.luck.witn.your.report. all of the students are ()()() a math test these days. the students are studying ___ the math test now.A at B for C with 已知f(x+1)=2f(x)/[f(x)+2],f(1)=1(x属于N*),猜想f(x)的表达式为Af(x)=4/(2^x+2) Bf(x)=2/(x+1) Cf(x)=1/(x+1) Df(x)=2/(2x+1) 英语改错题.下列各句各有一处错误,请找出并改正.I have no enough time to listen to you to explain the problem.I find interesting to play with children.He is the last ask me the question.He went home in a hurry only find that nothing f(n+1)=2f(n)/f(n)+2,f(1)=1,猜想f(n)的表达式 英语改错.下列各句均有一处错误1、The boy is very happy afer warches the World Cup.2、Who likes listen to English songs in your class?3、I’m sorry I can’t sing and dance