
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:24:54
would you like some tea?为什么用some 改为一般疑问句: I'd like some grapes I'd like a cup of tea and some eggs.改为一般疑问句 英语翻译我冒着严寒回到相隔两千余里别了20余年的故乡去.时候即是深冬,渐进故乡时天气又阴秽了.冷风吹进船舱中呜呜的响.从蓬隙向外一望,苍黄的天底下远近横着几个萧索的荒村,没有一 英语翻译自嘲 运交华盖欲何求,未敢翻身已碰头.破帽遮颜过闹市,漏船载酒泛中流.横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛.躲进小楼成一统,管他冬夏与春秋. 鲁迅故乡:那时候我的父亲还在世,家境也好,我正是一个少爷.英文翻译. 好听的英文名?(最好带琳子) 谁可以帮我取个可爱一点的英文名~我叫琳!女生要可爱1点哦~^-^3Q拉!最好是L开头的~或有琳的发音的! he would like some tea .改为一般疑问句怎么改some要改为any吗 祖国的未来?还有希望吗?我是一名90后,我为祖国感到担忧,现在,祖国的南海主权面临严重挑战,南亚各国对我南海地区虎视眈眈,美国从中插手,日本国也夺我钓鱼岛,我担心祖国的外患,祖国的现 英语翻译动词用“ruin”可以吗 英语翻译Hey,Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?Sure,Joe.When is your birthday party?My birthday partyis October 5th.OK,and when is the basketball game?The basketball game?Oh,it‘s October 2nd.Good .And,um,how abouthee school trip?The scho 求英文名字,我是女生,读音最好带“lin” 女生英文名,有谐音lin的,含义最好是远大……我名字最后一个字是麟,所以希望有发音lin的.第二个字发音yong,所以含义做好是远大.天蝎座 特别点的 帮忙起几个含有lin的英文名~(女生,最好有活力一点的) 当那个小婴儿熟睡的时候,妈妈让我不要大声说话.用英文怎么翻译 写一首英文短诗 生态平衡用英语怎么说? 谁帮我写一首英文诗一首关于选择的诗~``简单点也可以..对人生的选择... 自然界中的生态平衡 祝大家身体都好.他还说了什么?用英语翻译 用( )、( )等成语形容同学们的( ) 形容同学关系的成语大学同学 一起逃课 一起上网的一群好友 用什么搞笑一点的成语形容一下 比如狼狈为奸 用介词或副词填空 The film star had to go___his lines many times before he got them right用介词或副词填空The film star had to go___his lines many times before he got them right. i like many movie stars,one of them is zhou xingchi,he is g___movie star,his c__ are very popular in the world,m__pople like his movies.i like t___ ,too,i think they're very f____.my friends have pictures and b__about him ,we o___see his movies on su The fans cried as soon as they saw the movie star.The fans cried as soon as they saw the movie star.=The fans had no sooner seen the movie star than they cried.为什么转变后的句子要用过去完成时? 读万卷书,行万里路.来到海边,我想起了——、——的成语;攀上天游峰,我想起了——、——等成语. 来到海边,我( )地想起了( ),( )等成语 填空:1·来到海边,我( )想起了( ).( )等成语. 我很喜欢旅游,每到一处总免不了感慨一番.来到海边,我想起了【 】,【 】,【 】等成语. 写一首英语诗以下选择:1.love is 2.pain is 3.the promotion test is 4.learn english is 5.a true friend is 6、the future is 7.success is 8.happiness is line1:metaphorline2:simile(as)line3:simile(like)line4:simile(as)line5 来到———的海边,我想起了————等成语!