
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:42:33
Oh,what a sunny day!The sun _____(shine)and the birds____(sing) 在比例尺是1:4000000的中国地图上,量得两地的距离是30厘米,这两地的实际距离是( )千米. f(x)=(2-3a)x-1,x小于1 f(x)=-loga^x,x大于等于1 f(x)是R上的增函数,则a的取值范围是? 安井豆沙汤圆怎么做比较好? 孩子快上小学了,有关幼小衔接问题我们也不是很了解,需要上幼小衔接班吗? 安井豆沙汤圆安井汤圆系列豆沙汤圆总共有几种包装?有朋友知道的吗帮个忙! strange strange things 紧急! strange things are happening Strange things are happening翻译成中文是什么意思? in the countryside还有collection stamps, 是in countryside还是in the countryside?countryside前要不要加the 还有 country中 in the country中the不能省略吗? 你是行星饭吧,我也是,不过我更爱函数.呵呵 单项选择1——5题谢谢! stand for用法准确 各位学霸帮帮忙,行星饭快来 单项选择1到5 文言文句式徐喷以烟的徐字是什么意思 函数饭们,茜米们,求其中一张原图! stand for的意思CIF stands for cost,insurance and freight.这里的stand stand for有参加的意思吗 i stand for stand 英语单项选择五题She .the guitar until she finishes her homework.A.didn't B.hasn't practiced C.practice D.won't practiceShe .a newspaper with she .for the bus.A.was reading,waited,,had waited D.was reading,was waitingIt was 下列说法正确的是A.人推车向前运动,人对车有作用力,车对人没有作用力B.力产生的同时存在施力物体和受力物体C.有力作用在物体上,物体的运动状态一定发生改变D.两个力的三要素完全相同, 《春》抓住了哪些有代表性的事物来写 小学竞选中队长演讲稿 500字左右 用"头头是道"造句短一点 头头是道怎么造句三年级的造句 日本的内阁官房长官是个什么级别的官儿啊? There are five stages of development,each is linked to a particular place. 和There are five st...There are five stages of development,each is linked to a particular place. 和There are five stages of development,each is linked to a particular place 注射抗原与注射抗体的区别举个例子说明一下,哪些病需注射抗原哪些注射抗体 请大家看看我这篇文章有没有语法问题 或者病句 .、my name is susan.i am 14.i am a middle school student .i always had a really hard time with math .my math teacher always said i was lazy .but i just found out that learning math is