
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:50:00
希望快给出解答 Shall we go to the movie__?A.in this evening B.on that evening C.this evening D.last evening选择题? We go to ______ party this evening 希望可以解说过程 哪些字读YUAN 英语翻译是一篇写作,大体意思如下:“五.一”节假要到来了,我想我一定会过的非常开心.首先,我希望能够随父母一同去看望爷爷奶奶,奶奶家门前的小河里有很多的小鱼,真是有趣极了!当然, 用英语翻译:我们谁也算不出来 英语翻译翻译(中文—英文):我刚刚已经吃了一些香蕉. 日本帝国主义为什么能占领东北三省并侵占华北大片土地? 帮我解释下这一很少断的汇编代码?排列9个数的小算法 帮我注释下每行什么意思 最好给个例子解释下sort:mov\x05\x05 bx,1xor\x05\x05 di,di\x05\x05\x05;将di置0 \x05\x05 mov\x05\x05 cx,9 loop1:mov\x05\x05 al,buf[di] ; 谁能给我一个非常详细的MFC代码注解?我希望每一行都能有对这一行的关于作用或者要说明的问题的解释!我把我的积分都给你!最好是每一行的解释都有!还有就是要完整的哈!也就是包括所有 一些英语词组 finish+..remember+..怎么区分?MS我没说清楚...1.finish to do / finish doing?2.remember to do / remember doing?最好有例子 delay 等于什么?要两个同义词或词组 西班牙语 年月日怎么表示英文表示的是“Y-M-D”,请问在西班牙语里面怎么表示呢? 关于西班牙语里面时间的表示比如两点钟,为什么要说Son las dos.即为什么要用las 这个阴性词呢?还有为什么一点钟是Es la una,而不是用uno? 西语时间问题A cuantos estamos一句中的主语是什么啊? 请问以下西班牙文的时间和日期分别是多少啊?1、dos horas veintiun minutos2、treinta y uno de diciembre de dos mil cinco3、veintiuno de diciembre de dos mil cinco shall we go to the cinema?(同义词) ****go to the cinema?****是填写两个什么替换词. Shall we go to the cinema (保持原句意思)___ ___going to the cinema? There is a computer on my desk.一般疑问句 The singer and dancer ___ come to our party.A.have B.has C.is D.areB 请具体一点 初一英语 改为同义句1.We see a baseball and a computer on the desk. 2. The singer and dancer is to attend our evening .用is to 而不用are to 为什么 The singer and the dancer ___come to beijing A,has b,have c,are d,is 应该填什么?注意,dancer前有the The singer and dancer __our party this eveningA is going to be in B are going to be in C were going to be in D is going to in 说明为什么,, The singer and dancer——come a.is b.are c.has d.have 我知道选的是c可是为什么要选择c ---Good evening.I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.---Good evening.I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come给认真的回答 - -说选B ---Good evening.I have come to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.---Good evening.I have come to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.为什么要用have come 歇后语替人写对联后半句是什么 歇后语替人写对联后面是什么 The computer is on the desk.对on the desk进行提问( )( )the computer To make our dreams come true.We are supposed to getr goals______then try our best to achieve them.A.or B.and C.but D.soThe teacher _____his students likes football.A.and B.as well as C.and also D.also