
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:41:03
Fruit and vegetables are good for your health,but fast food,like potato chips( ) B.are Those are our hats.改为单数 Review literature on language learning strategies.Discuss its implications on ESL teaching/learning. Those are their teachers.(改为单数句) 分析孙悟空三借芭蕉扇是如何塑造孙悟空这一形象塑造人物形象,把握住任务的特点,对人物的心理,神态,语言进行描写是很有必要的 孙悟空是个什么样的人? 孙悟空是个怎样的人? 请写孙悟空三借芭蕉扇的经过 在里孙悟空是一个什么人? 洛必达法求极限 eat to live and not have to eat什么意思 连词成句.rained,because,we,working,hard,stopped,it 史地生成绩差,初一下学期如何才能提高成绩成为学霸 The farmers are working in the f______........................................................................................................ I was (working on the farm )when it rained 对括号内容提问 The oranges (is/are) above the pota-to chips.选is 还是are? just going that calls you “驴友”是什么意思啊? that dog is gonna be just fun 的just的具体意义,虽然句子都懂但我总是自动忽略,不利于我去运用,就分析这句的just就行了 Do you have a healthy _____(eat) habit?Tom likeDo you have a healthy _____(eat) habit?Tom likes _____(play) soccer ball.用括号里单词的适当形式或本身填空. ________ he works hard,I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon as B.So long as C.As well as D.So far as so long as he works hard,i don't mind when he finishes the experiment.如何翻译? So long as he works hard,I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment. ( )he works hard,I don't mind when he finishes the experient.A.So far as B So long as 两个都有只要的意思 为什么选b选A? 谁能告诉我,them、they和then 有什么不同?急!急!三个词的释义,意思,越多越好. They like them a l_____.怎么填 英语"at once"的解释 【高分】once 英文歌词爱尔兰电影 once的十三首歌的英文歌词...01.Falling Slowly02.If You Want Me03.Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy04.When Your Minds Made Up05.Lies06.Gold07.The Hill08.Fallen from the Sky09.Leave10.Trying to 英语关于oncei known that Great Wall is very beautiful.but i havenever been there ——选项有before ago last year 和once 为什么选before而不选once,once不是有曾经的意思吗,before在这里也是曾经呀 英语改错:Once to be begun,the plan will never be changed 哪里错了? 我曾经去过那个地方.(用once)用英语怎么说? 奕秋 的 文言文理解.今夫奕之为数,小数也;不专心致志,则不得也.奕秋,通国之善奕者也.使奕秋诲二人奕,其一人专心致志,惟奕秋之为听.一个虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之,虽