
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:55:51
词语好奇解释快点哦!作业需要! 惊讶→_→相近词是? 解词___好奇 分词作定语时中间可以+什么?test hardly finished 努力完成的作业? 好奇的近以词? this is the girl .yesterday..填啥? This is a girl who i met yesterday.为什么这样呢?whom i met 我觉得这样才对吧? 惊讶的词语有哪些 .It's ten o'clock.(对画线部分提问ten o'clock是划线的! 能帮我分析一下这个句子吗?The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving. 我的苦恼作文600字 英语翻译these are musicians who make us [happy-even] on a monday morning 压力变成动力的事例(概括)50字以内,5个事例 This is the woman that I drove to London last 希望明天早上能有答案! London,the,to ,is ,plane,flying连词成句 went,to,buy,to,something,the,store,jenny,yesterday连词成句 动词后跟人称再加动词原形的有哪些比如make sb.do sth.let sb.do sth. 今晚急要的初二数学题答案!就2题1.已知甲乙同时从一地点出发,甲往东走了4KM,乙往南走了3KM,这时甲乙相距多少千米?(不求过程)2.在△ABC中,a=9,b=40,c=41,则△ABC面积为多少?(不求过程) let sb do sth中do是不是用原型? 初二数学完全平方题3道请答题者在今天晚上9;00之前回答.将回报20分好又快的话,1.一个底面是正方形的长方体,高为6cm,底面正方形长5cm,如果他的高增加2cm,底面正方形边长增加a厘米,那么他的 Who is the man?—Oh,he's the teacher _ gave us a speech.答案是Who为什么不能用which呢 不是说他是给我们做过演讲的老师么不是指名他是个干嘛的老师么which哪不对了 the man whom we met yesterday is a teacher 为什么一定要加whom, 介词的宾语从句不用that来引导? The old man___I visited yesterday is my teacher. A why B what C which D that 介词不可以接that 宾语从句吗、 The man()gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.Awho Bwhose Cwhich Dwhom 宾语从句中的引导词指物时且做介词的宾语时用that还是which书上说 The hous that I was born in is gone一种形式 It‘s twelve o’clock.Let‘s have( )填合适的单词 It's twelve o'clock.Let's 帮我翻译下,快啊. 英语有那些前元音和中元音 The day after sunday is_______.It's twelve o'clock.Let's have______.Betty,get up and______.It's sunny today.Let's wash the______.答案好偶会加薪给你滴!快啊,在2月7日前必须答案啊. 英语中的前元音,是什么意思,英语里的音标,前元音,后元音等, 不太明白什么意思, 请解释一下,何为前元音,怎么会叫前元音 Thank you