
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:23:32
No,you can't walk to the cinema.It's far from here.的答句是什么? on,can,go,not,you,foot,far,it's会的来 Ture left at cinema,then go straight.It's on the left.的问句 Now's the Only Time I Know 歌词 1.we need much energy___________(exercise)every day.2.lily feels_________(luck)to be a teacher.3.there are many________(shelf)of books in the library.4.we can't finish my homework_______(with)your help.5.lt is about healthy_____(eat).6.there are two_ we must t____to exercise every day. There are already 30 children on the block!准确意思是什么? There are already waiters ___ in the restaurant at this time,那个词应该填什么 he often help me with dancing 为什么用dancing 假如你是Sam,请根据下面的表格内容写一篇短文介绍你一家人的喜好.要求不少于30个词.家庭成员有 Dad,Mum,Sam,最喜欢的食物是fish,cake,rise,最喜欢的运动是running,swimming,football.(按照顺序的) 新的一年快到了,大家有什么计划和打算吗?来看看 Jake一家人的新年计划吧.写一篇80字左右的短文.Father:找一份兼职工作、加强锻炼、Mother:学习拉小提琴、学习做更多的美味的饭菜Jake:取 jAKE是从美国来的新同学,请根据中文提示写一篇60词的短文,介绍中秋节 .1,时间在9月或10月 2.我们吃的月饼有坚果馅的,肉馅的,蛋黄馅的等等.3,中秋节的夜晚月亮特别亮,特别圆,人们喜欢在露天 这首歌的中文意思是什么 inconsolable是什么意思? shit happens什么意思有两种说法,一 是 狗屎运 .二是 不好的事情总要发生.也许还有更多 .想知道具体确切一点的解释, shit happens 看《阿甘正传》的时候,里面出现了shit happens的一个车尾贴, 不同细胞膜结构的含量不同取决于基因这句话哪错了 Be abie to meet you ,I was so lucky 帮我 翻译 recently是什么意思 RECENTLY这个词是什么意思? 填空:( )we were at school ,we went to the library everyday. We went to the library in twos and threes,为什么用介词in Hainan is ___ from Beijing than Hunan.(far) 请问下面全部字母内容 beijing is very big and very f 把最后一个单词补充完整 下面的字母各表示几? 打一成语,要用下面的字母能组成的. 怎样做,填字母,还有下面的 22、下列字母中全是轴对称图形的是( ). Be able to meet you, I was so lucky!是什么意思? Be able to meet you ,I was so lucky .读音是什么? playing lt's students too because football in hot don't summer like造句