
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:03:05
黝黑 滞留 禁锢造句50字 [急]用英语诠释:"I can't" will never do anything worthwhile;but "I'll try" will accomplish wonders.最好能给出议论此句的英语短文. 我记得小时候(上世纪末),西北方向天空有一个白色的扫把星.请问这是彗星吗?流星是转瞬即逝对吧.彗星也是吗?我准确的记得这个东西停留了好几天,每到晚上就出现.非转瞬即逝.是亲眼看 初四英语:When we arrived at the hall,the meeting--------------for just aminute.-When we arrived at the hall,the meeting--------------for just aminute.-What a pity!A.has endedB.had endedC.has been overD.had been over 用美轮美奂,寻章摘句,左右逢源,鳞次栉比,恪尽职守造句是用这5个词造1段话 he was so tired that he went to sleep soon.这是什么从句? 用所给词的适当形式填空:I was tired and ) [go] to sleep soon.知道的,朋友们!..速回吖、谢谢哈! 描写梅花的一段话 描写梅花颜色 的一段话150字 - 百度 “小学一年级”英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译”用英语怎么翻译啊? 描写梅花香味的一段话 英语翻译Car,car,go!Super,super,super!Boat,boat,go!Cool,cool,cool!Train,train,go!Super,super,super!taxi,taxi,go!Cool,cool,cool!不要光看单词来翻译哦本人也会用在线翻译哦汽车,汽车,超,超,船,艇,冷静,冷静,冷静!火车, 请问一年级英文怎么翻译 【送积分20】禁锢造句禁锢造句哦 It was clear that she longed _ her mother.A.to see B.seeing C.see D.seen 描写梅花的词!不是词语!是诗词的词!只要词!不要诗! ①A friend ___need is a friend indeed②Lucy is a ____(乐观 的) girl .She often wears a smile on her face.③Look!there are so many people .waht ___(happen) over there ④As we all know,light __(travel) faster than sound⑤how long will it take y 麻烦把新人教版英语选修6mp3发给我, 麻烦吧人教版英语所有必修和选修7.8的单词mp3发给我吧, 1.She was so n_____ about her exams that she could't sleep.2.She is still w____after her illness.3.I need some e____ time to finish it.4.The good n____ is that tomorrow will be fine and sunny.5.B_____ is slow during the summer. Jim was so n____ about the exams that he couldn't sleep well. Alice needed some money for a Mother’s Day present.She told her father about her _21_ “If you would like to do some housework, I’ll _22 you. You can clean up the yard,” her father said. “You can also wash my car and Mum’s. _23 of them are you just give me a 【Give me a call__thursday】中间填什么词?on?in?at? and you shouldn't call me baby I like the feel you call me baby 有语法错误么 sport要加s吗 单词sport什么情况下加s,还有还有vegetable,fruit,这一类很特殊啊,老师也不讲清楚,为什么有的时候加了s,有时候又不加s,加S表示什么,不加s又表示什么! 作文:我美丽,因为我( )怎样写啊?请大家给点建议! 第四单元作文建议书怎么写? 英文名加上 the elder与 the elder brother一样吗