
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:42:21
请问"英语无线广播"怎样翻译成英语?"无线"不知道怎样表达 For you,I have been trying.意境如何 I have been trying hard to not only too far away from you “I'm sorry I have been trying to avoid”是什么意思、5财富、速来 拼音发音歌词谁有 发下 Cheer up,Maria!You can also enjoy _____ you have been dreaming of,if you don't lose heart.Cheer up,Maria!You can also enjoy _____ you have been dreaming of,if you don’t lose heart.A.as a convenient life as B.as convenient a life asC.as a life 我想问问还有一个星期怎么提升英语四级的成绩? 四级分数610,我想问问各部分的总分是多少我分数的分布是,听力:218阅读:222综合:60写作:110哪部分比较薄弱啊? Battle of five怎么读?要音标也行?帮下小忙 when l piay baseball,lwear my baseball cap.when l ride my horsw,l wear cowboy hat.翻译 when l go swimming,l wear my swimming cap.when l paly in the snow,l wear my winter hat. 英语的,He hopes that we should eat some healthy food 用to do...句型改写 7点20以前答复给20财富He hopes ( ) ( )a famous writer填空 minute是什么意思,怎么读,最好标音标 minute是不有两个音标啊? You must finish it __(care)Cats like chasing__(mouse) She is a five-year-old girl.变同义句 The ( ) is ( ) ( ) ( ) She _____ her baby in her arms.A.takes B.bringsShe _____ her baby in her arms.A.takesB.bringsC.carriesD.holds the police wondered whether the victim____(kill)at the place where he___(find) apr英语造句 求ORIGIN红外软件!就是能将红外数据转化为谱图的那种! stick at 和stick to 都有坚持之意啊?if you stick ()practising it,用哪个 英语中stick to,cling to,adhere to有什么区别 英语中坚持做某事的说法?stick to、cling to和 adhere to 后面出了加名词能加动词吗? I find it in the well中 in the well是状语还是补语? 英语中30th是什么意思?怎么发音? 哪位大神会用origin做这样的图 求教 ​ oringe和origin的异同oringe和origin是一样的吗,oringe能做些什么,在哪里可以下载的到. 求助大神用origin帮忙做几个实验的图?先联系,再给数据, 2013年上期六年级语文模拟测试五答案 上海市六年级下册2013年语文第5课结尾继写 关于Event Object的用法.那位大哥知道,event Object的用法? js 中 Event.observe()和Object.extend()函数的作用和用法,请高手帮帮我,谢啦