
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:06:38
You are a good boy.Thanks you哪里错了 You are so good a boy.的句子结构怎么分析?so good a boy?so good a boy?不了解so good和a boy并列作表语? 中译英~"我要去尽量多的国家旅游"? 一道初中三角函数题简单的如图,△ABC中,AD⊥BC,CE⊥AB垂足分别是D,E,AD与CE相于H,已知EH=EB=3 AE=4,求CH的长,要简单一点的解法, 等腰三角形地底边长10cm 周长是36cm 则一个底角的余弦值为?冒昧的问一句...不是只有直角三角形才有三角函数的吗? 如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,sinB=3/5,D是BC上一点,DE⊥AB于E,CD=DE,AC+CD=9.求:(1)BC的长 ; (2)CE的长 The young man often _____ _____ _____ _____(外出旅游) with his parents on weekends. 对不起,是我不好.用西班牙语怎么说 Mary with her parents often___to zoo on Sundaygoes\go那一个 请教一道关于高中文科化学题目.比较50 ml 2 mol/L的盐酸和100 ml 1 mol/L的氯化镁溶液,它们().A:所含cl离子的物质的量相等B:所含cl离子的浓度相等答案选B,谁能帮我分析一下cl离子物质的量 定理证明 大神看过来 英语翻译I read the book “Gone with the Wind” during my winter break.It’s a great novel by American author Margaret Michell.It’s a story about southern living in the US during the Civil War.I especially like Scarlett O’Hara,a strong-will “对不起”西班牙语怎么说? 8朵红玫瑰,4朵康乃馨,3朵百合花代表什么意思 想用西班牙语对以前女友说抱歉,该怎么说呢? He studies in Xingdongfang Middle school .请解释studies在这里的用法 绿色蝈蝈第三段-第六段中使用了哪些词语来描写蝈蝈的声音 绿色蝈蝈 作者对蝈蝈有着怎样的感情 对不起 昨天给你和你另一半添麻烦了 英文 连词成句:boy,are,a,you,good.is,in,row,Sam,what. 连词成句 1 good are with children you 急需一篇动物的英语故事 求一篇动物的爱情故事(英文) 动物与动物之间感人故事英文怎么写 There are _____ interesting books in our libraryA.much B.many C.a few D.a little 海平面下11千米用英语怎么说 哪位英语达人知道怎么才可以收看或者收听BBC的新闻? 改为否定句 1、Iam 17. 2、They are listening to the teacher. 3、He was at school last year.4、Lily reads English in the morning. He had lunch at school every day last year.否定句 could you please tell me( i've lost her address.a.where did carol live b.where does carol livec.where carol lives d,where carol lived Could you please tell me____________?I‘ve lost her address.选C.where Carol lives.原因 永远笑下去 英文怎么说