
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:10:32
help yourself to造句 关于英语发音的,什么叫声带稍微振动,我怎么感觉出来?如题所述. 英语发音时应将手放在什么部位来感觉声带的震动请把位置说具体点, 哪些音标声带要振动除了11个清辅音声带不振动,其它音素发音时声带都要震动吗? 在教室和同学打闹被校长逮住,求检查一份1000字. 对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n一.对括号里部分提问1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.3.(Alice and her pa th(ere),h(ere),wh(ere),th(eir)括号里发什么音 They are going to --play football-- tomorrow.( 对划线部分提问) How can I get to the nearest hospital?(改为同义句)You can turn right at the third crossroads.(改为同义句) 疑问词填空:_____do you think they are going to play football tomorrow night?A.what B.where C.when D.which 基本的英语语法有哪些?谁能帮我讲解一下“宾语”“定语”“补语”.这类的基本语法?我一点也不懂. 什么是哲学上的形而上学 (Do Does)the children often (play/playing)sports?括号里的2个单词怎么选才能连成一句流畅的话? when do you play sports 什么意思 play sports often千万不要拆开当然是翻译 有人可能解释一下两个哲学词汇什么是范畴,什么是客观实在,可以用最通俗的话语来解释.过于抽像不明白. 词汇这个词是什么意思 关于音标l和ou辅音l有两个发音其中有个和双元音ou很像他们有什么区别阿 音标[l]在单词结尾时发ou音吗?比如说crocodile[krokedail] often he to his wes the computer homework do连词成句 does often uses the internet () his homeworkA do B does C todo D doing How often does his homework on the computer.(对画线部分提问)does his homework 是画线部分.迅速!说明原因 语文六年级上册练习册15课拓展运用答案 八年级语文练习册上册第9课1.2.3.(老王) 哲学一词该怎么解释? 哲学古诗文题翻译并解释,谢谢3“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福趋避之.”“天下兴亡,匹夫有责.”“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐.”古人的这些名言共同主张的是( )A.价值观对人生选择和 上帝的话语可以用哲学来解释吗?都回答的很好.那么为什么基督教的以“哲学”来解释他们的信仰,比如三位一体之类的教义? “宗教”这个词如何解释,它应是属哲学为什么不直接叫哲学而给个宗教,宗教是属玄学吗,玄学是什么意思,在六朝时为什么那么流行. what letter is a kind of insect打一字母 What letter is a kind of insect?(猜一字母)Key________ What letter is kind of insect? How often do you go to school?用英语回答提问和回答要有中文翻译!到底是every five days.还是five times a week. 英语回答What do you often do to relax?.What do you often do to relax?_______________________________________________ 2.Do you have any after-school classes?_______________________________________________ 3.What do you think of after-school classe