
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:14:39
We held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang ___ among the singers.A.good B.well C.betterWe held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang ___ among the singers.A.good B.well C.better D.best ---Why did you come to the concert to hear the pop singers you didn't like?a.Why did you come to the concert to hear the pop singers you didn't like?b.I shouldn't like____,but my boy friend insisted.A)having come,B)coming ,C)to come ,D)to have come Ben comes home with his mother in the afternoon.划线部分提问 afternoon The frog in the well knows nothing of the great 这是句谚语, do not be the frog in the 已知,AB=4,CD=13,BC=12,DA=3,AB垂直AD,求证:BC垂直BD.B CAD 已知AB=4,BC=12,CD=13,DA=3,AB⊥AD,判断BC⊥BD吗?简述你的理由 已知梯形ABCD中,AB//CD,AD=BC,以BD DA为邻边作平行四边形ADBF证AB垂直平分CF快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快 His dog was lost,and that made him ____ sad.A.feeling B.feels C.to feel D.feel it was so dark inside the room that he had to ____ his way to bed A feel B make C lose D fight帮忙说说理由 英语翻译On one of the islands would be a special plant to take the salt out of sea water and turn it into fresh water.句首的on在这里什么意思?would be a special plant 的主语是什么? 全世界一共有几个黄人 世界上白人.黑人.黄人是啥基因行成的为何是这样的?速回 人教版七年级下册pronunciation的英语字母在单词中的读音怎么记速度啊 急啊 不知道怎么记 还有记完有什么用啊 怎么用 形容严肃的句子 求中文,给好评! led是谁的过去式 如图,在梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,BD=CD,AB<CD,且∠ABC为锐角.若AD=4,BC=12,E为BC上一点.问:当CE为何值时,四边形ABED是等腰梯形、直角梯形? lead led这两个词是什么关系?有什么区别?应怎样用? 在梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,BD=CD,AB小于CD,角ABC为锐角,若AD=4,BC=12,E为BC上一点,问:当CE分别为何值时,四边形ABED是等腰梯形?直角梯形? 一道非谓语的题It seemed that he had regained his health after the operation.=He__________his health after the operation. 如图,在梯形abcd中,ad平行于bc,bd=cd,ab大于cd,且角abc为锐角,若ad=4,bc=12,e为bc当ce分别为何值时,四边形abed为等腰梯形、直角梯形? 翻译句子:1、校长对于我们总是显得很严厉.2、为了很好的管制我们,他制定了校规. 模仿对于孩子的成长有什么好处? 养护水泥试件的水应严格控制水温,14d更换一次洁净的淡水.(这句话对吗?为什么?) gong死,那gong怎么写,三声山东方言里有个gong死,有“顶”的意思,比如说象棋里用卒gong死,还比如某人被野猪gong死了,这个gong字怎么写? 格拉丹东用英语怎么说? 各位热心的网友,给力翻译一下:“To saw a saw with another saw,To can a can into another can” Known you are reaaching out to another person .not with a hand out ,but a hand up.请翻译句子 Unity3D和Shiva3D哪个引擎好? ally - n.a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose 咋翻译? Unity3D前景怎么样?需要美术功底吗