
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:54:11
英语的语法问题,有人说错了哪错了?Whoa,whoa,big breathes!No heed to rush.Okay,um,breathe once for not urget,twice for urget.Yeah,now you’re just confusing everybody.有人说语法错了顺便帮改一下最好! 是I need not to buy new trousers还是I do not need to buy new trousers. wat do you need to buy? my father lives in beijing 改为一般疑问句 英语翻译劳动争议处理作为劳动法中的重要组成部分,在我国的劳动法律体系中占据着重要的地位,劳动争议解决的是劳动者与用人单位之间的矛盾纠纷,劳动争议解决程序是否合理与完善,不仅 求懂法律英语的人帮忙翻译A federal court sitting in diversity or adjudicating state law claimsthat are pendent to a federal claim must apply the choice of law rules of the forumstate.再专业一点好吗?,后面半句的意思是必 一小句语法题:He parked his car outside the police station.(silly place)What a silly place to park his car.这道题的答案可以把his car省略吗?还有这类句子的动词(比如这道题的park)是不用加s的吗? 一个简单的英语句式问题..是The film says about the boy who named Harry Potter呢.还是The film says about the boy name Harry Potter或者都错了呢= =... 改为一般疑问句和否定句.Bill watches TV with his parents. 语文根据《论语十则》出题 九年上语文版论语十则不要“学而时习之”,要“曾子曰:"吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎 与朋友交而不信乎 传不习乎 ".原文! 英语翻译Within ninety days of the date of the resolution ordering the registration and publication of the petition,the petitioner or any of them,if more than one,shall request,in the pertinent proceedings a decision with regard to the concession 急求!法律英语相关,合同条款翻译!ThisAgreement shall be interpreted, governed, and construed under thelaws of the State of California as if executed and to be performed whollywithin the State of California without giving effect to choice I have basealls bats (变为一般疑问句,做肯定回答 如果一个句子说,我的笔掉了,你看见了吗?是用现在过去分词还是过去式, 英语CET4级 英语4级 第66题的B选项,句子中的challenge什么英语CET4级英语4级第66题的B选项,句子中的challenge什么意思? 英语中现在分词和过去分词的区分原题 He mannaged to save the ___ girl ,which was praised by many people .A.drowning B .drowned 现在分次是溺水 的意思,过去分次相对是溺死的意思,而英语中过去分词又可以表示 Both she and l like pop music(改为否定句) 用like music prefers Jazz music he pop but he连成一句话 “城市燃气工程技术” 用英语怎么说? 中国北京有色矿工程技术有限公司 用英语怎么说 请问"工程技术处,动迁处,财务处,综合处"用英语怎么说? endless wait endless wait endless waiting是什么意思? Jim and John are twins brothers.找错快一点啊 are peter and john twin brothers? 有没有法律英语高手帮忙翻译一下“仲裁前置”和“劳动争议程序研究”急求! 求高手帮忙!法律英语中译英集体协商制度是集体劳动关系的核心制度之一,集体协商制度的存在,充分以当事人的意思自治为原则,以专门机构确定为辅助,充分体现了集体协商制度的自治性.而 工程技术人员用英语怎么说 She'll clean her room this afternoon.否定句 现在分词与过去分词的区别想问一下两者作为定语时的区别,如:The television is a ____machine.使用的是newly inventing还是newly invented,这两种词语应该怎么用…… 过去分词和现在分词有什么区别?什么时候用现在分词,什么时候用过去分词呢 一个动词它的过去分词和现在分词什么时候一样,什么时候不一样啊