
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:35:06
想大家帮我取个英文名我叫陈杏林,男的, 有没有这样的成语:( )前后( )? 大家帮我取个英文名吧我是5月13日早晨的,金牛座,郭姿旎雅是我的名字,可以麻烦大家帮我取一个英文名字吗? 请大家帮我取个英文名?我叫唐娜.急需个英文名.是anna alina tina哪个好呢? 我想取个英文名大家帮我指点一下我叫杜焕美,请大家帮我翻译成英文名一下,另外我想了一个,大家帮我参考一下可不可以,wendy du大家多提点意见吧,非常感谢! 什么动物在树上爬着经常 下列句子中有一处错误,找出并改正:1.The young girl whom I travelled could speak Japanese.2.This paper which I can write my name is mine We hope to seeing the Big Ben some day.The boy didn't go to bed until his mother came back.这个The boy didn't go to bed until his mother came back.这个句子的同义句.The boy——go to bed—— his mother came back.The women teacher is weath He _______(not fall) asleep until his parents came back. I am not afraid to walk this world alone toI am not afraid to walk this world alone .我也不怕一个人在这世上走过.是否句尾加个to就可以? Gina went to the summer c____ and went to the beach 张居正的成功我们可以学到什么? 张居正改革是成功还是失败?张居正如果还能活二十年,对大明王朝有何影响? We ( ) Liu Tao’suncle’farm on sunday A,visited B,went C,planted He came by car this morning?请帮我翻译成中文 Why was Liu Tao there last Sunday?They had a party.It was Jim's birthday. 1000*1000=100*100*100是什么成语? 在明朝那些事中写张居正最后说 有的人活着,他已经死了 有的人死了,他还活着 世间已无张居正 明明是说他还活着为什么说世间已无张居正要连起来解释别照搬几句话的解释 朝花夕拾中被选入课文的有 英语翻译同题 SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR怎么样 孔子字( ) 在初中学过的出自【朝花夕拾】的2篇课文 余秋雨的两部作品 朝花夕拾中有几篇是初中学过的 Domonique Maillard 这个法文名哪个是姓,哪个是名? .《朝花夕拾》共收10篇回忆散文,被选为课文的有? 1.The meeting will begin tomorrow afternoon.(同义句转换) The meeting ___begin__tomorrow afternoon2.I can't speak English as well as my father.(同上)I speak English ___ ___my father.3.They come from a computer program called ICQ.They ___from 中间带o的三个英文字母越多越好有多少讲多少 my brother is looking () his photos用介词怎么填 I don't know_____I can_____ ______ the zoo我不知道怎么去动物园(英文)跪求真确答案 你一句我一句,可以用什么成语来形容 1.Next Monday will ______ Teachers' Day.2.it's a fine day today.shall we do out for a walk?1.Next Monday will ______ Teachers' Day.2.it's a fine day today.shall we do out for a walk? ----_____ A.good luck B.that's all right C.lt's very 1.I'm really___today.A.busier B.busiest C.the busiest 2.It's a fine day___.A.to walks B.to walkingC.for a walk3.How often do you have history?____A.Everyday B.Often C.At school