
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:32:51
短语指什么?举几个例子.联系生活实际说说“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”所蕴含的道理 1.Sorry i can only remember the pronunciation of the world,but icannot ( ) it A.sayB.speak C.spell D.tell2.My fater is very( )he always gives me good ideas when i needA.tan B.strong C.intelligent D.old好的加400分明天要交 数学排列组合和概率怎么也学不好,怎么办? It is wrong of/for you to lose heart because of such a failure.中间是该用of还是for? You will not win because i will not lose是什么意思 pieas don't dump me,because i has lost my heart to you what values do you consider the most important?why? what do you think are three most important values in chinese societ?what do you think so? write in black and white. I am white and black 这句是什么意思 I will give up everything 这句话什么意思 I will cherish you give me everything,including you. 汉字是不是从象形文字发展到表意文字? I remember that 后面I remember 后面跟 that 和不跟 that 有什么区别,谁能具体解释下,最好也能解释下 that 在什么情况下,什么情况下不用.如果不能也没关系. I __(讨厌)that song Because you make me believe everything will be better 核舟记写苏黄分别抓住什么写的 I need you,because I love you .My memorise of love will be of you . 《核舟记》中介绍苏黄二人有好关系和相互切磋、谈论的神情的句子《核舟记》中介绍苏黄二人友好关系和相互切磋、谈论的神情的句子是_____________._________,__________.__________,________________,____ twenty-first的简写可不可以是12th? 西游记主要讲述了什么的故事 做第三小题.数学作业,先回答,先采纳 Believe In Everything Because Everything's Reachable 请问I will be strong and move on,because I always believe in myself! But if I should lose your love,dear. I remember a song by Westlift,the first sentence of it is“Just a smile and the rain is gone.”Do you like smiling?I think you should learn to smile.什么意思?急! I can hardly sing a _____ song because I can just remember a few sentences of the songs. ,cannot remember the words of the song.求翻译 课后巩固计算下面各图形中阴影部分的面积第一个半圆加长方形:长方形的宽:8cm 长方形的长:10cm半圆的直径10cm圆环的宽度:2cm求求各位哥哥姐姐了!还有一题可以算是整圆吧.半径:2cm 阴 红楼梦里有哪些名言 出自 红楼梦 的俗语,歇后语,名言 《核舟记》中的“神情与苏、黄不属”中的“属”读什么音?是读Shǔ还是Zhǔ我们老师也教的读Shǔ,但为什么有的参考答案说读Zhǔ呢.