
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:45:58
分段器 重合器 负荷开关 断路器 联络开关等概念的解释是? 时钟的分针长5厘米,它到2点5分到2点11分所扫过中面积=()厘米 时钟的分针长6cm,他从12点05分到12点11分所扫过的钟面面积是多少平方厘米? 时钟的分针长6厘米,从2点30分到2点45分所扫过钟面的面积是() 关于断路器 空气开关的解释断路器跟空气开关室是不是一种概念?什么情况下能变压?除了切断电路,还有哪些作用? 漏电开关分为哪几种,断路器分为哪几种,两者又有什么区别,里面的P数又代表什么 时针的分针长为5厘米,他从两点05分到两点11分所扫过的钟面的面积为多少 "野餐"英文词组 我们野餐带点什么英语单词 M={小于90度的角}N={第一象限的角}则M∩N=?是不是锐角?M∩N不是锐角,不是的给个理由 有一首英文歌曲,是一个女孩唱的,MV是在一个房子里,女孩在跳舞,谁知道这首歌曲的名字不是burning,好几年前听过的了,唯一的印象就这些,女孩的嗓音属于那种很青春的那种,不沙哑也不性感,镜 二翁登泰山中“ 差矣,汝之言”怎么翻译 钟面上的分针长10厘米,分针在钟面上扫过的面积为 从12时到1时,分针扫过的面积的多少平方厘米?分针长10厘米 一个圆形钟面,分针长8厘米,10分钟分针扫过的面积是多少平方厘米? 断路器上标有10ln什么意思 一道难题回答:4 浏览:398 提问时间:2006-08-29 18:50The two birds _______ each other in shape and color.In other words,they ______each other in shape and color.A.differ;are different from B.differ from;are different to C.resemble;are s 1.---What place is it?----Haven't you seen that we ____back where we _____.A.were,had been B.are,wereC.were,have been D.are,had been2.Could you show me the portable computer you have it repaired repair have repaired re 多项式x的m次幂-2 x+(m+n)x+1是三次四项式,切一次项系数是-3,问m和n等于几?已知多项式-1/2ab^m+1+ab-1是一个六次多项式,单项式-2/5x^3ny5-mz的次数与多项式的次数相同,求n 单选难题If your friend says he had more fun than a barrel of monkeys ___ your party,you know that he had a really good C.on 在雨中的英语咋说急 英语单选问题-Chinese tennis player Li Na won a championship again!-Yeah,I watched the game and my spirits_____at the game.A.rose.B.calmed.C.turned.D.shook应该选A 为什么呢? 英语问题--单选In order to reduce the increasing preces of vegetables, the toll _____if truck carrying them passes through a toll station.A.has cancelled B. is cancelled C. was cancelled D. had been cancelled正确答 几个英语单选问题1.You could't imagine what difficulty she had setting up her own business.But __________.Now she is quite haven't got that B.don't worry C.she managed somehow D.better late than never2.He hesitated for a minut 若N=3a,M是多项式在计算M+N时误把M+N看成M/N,结果是2a^2-a/3试求m+n a^ 表示什么意思 a代表什么意思 A.M是代表什么意思? 若式子3a+2与1-2a的值相等,则a的值是 我弱了,谁能告诉我2a+6√(4-2/3a )这个式子的最值怎么求. 武汉哪有天章纸品的复印纸批发卖?复印纸价格是多少? 若式子2a的2次方-3a+4的值为6,则式子2/3a的2次方-a-1的值为