
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:01:12
求翻译,求直译.I took Fortunato by an arm above the elbow. I'm not sure he can swim 改为否定句 Mary took her boyfriend _______ the hand and then they walked away arm in arm.21.When he learned he had passed the exam,Tom _____ song.A.broke outB.broke inC.broke intoD.broke through满分:4 分22.Robots have already_____ human tasks in the indust 英语翻译some people were eating and drinking in a cdffee shuop __ __she____?she can swim 快 填空()()she()?答语是:She can swim. She can swim,______(她弟弟也会);_____(她确实会). 求新视野大学英语读写教程第四册课后习题15选10的完型答案,尤其是7,8,9,10单元 高中学英语.现在快暑假下学期高二了.英语词汇不到50吧.语法一点都不会.现在想考大学了 才后悔啊.. 美剧《越狱》S101中的D.B.Cooper所说的一句话的正确译文?当D.B.Cooper第一次和Michael Scofield在监狱操场上对话时,Michael问他关于其宠物猫Marilyn的事,D.B.Cooper回答了这么一句:”She's grandfathered back fr 高中学英语晚莫?本人现在在上就上高中了,英语很烂、高中在学英语晚莫?顺便,说一下从那里开始学 一步一步的步骤 还有高中英语从基础学,但是高中的英语怎麽办?在从基础学英语的时候高 There are some students in the classroom.教室里有一些学生 教室里现在有一些学生 是不是都对啊. often的反义词再快!这是我的作业 There is a d________ newspaper and wecanread it every day.the old man lives allby h______ in that large house. 提心吊胆的近义词 Her friend is (Linda) 括号提问 My brother likes (drawing) 括号提问 —— ——the playground is so big改为感叹句 Tt's a big park.(改为感叹句) 自学初、高中学英语能学会吗,要怎么学,先学什么再学啥? 高中学英语用复读机过时吗?我上高中了,想练习自己的听力和口语,不知道需不需要一部复读机.好多人说过时了呢! answer反义词 answer的反义词 turn的过去分词 TURN的过去分词shishenme 学英语的具体方法 I can hardly belive my eyes ,______?A.can I B.can't I C.hardly I D.do I My son often goes____(skate)in summer.用所给动词的适当形式填空 My shadow often-------with me.里面为啥填goes 不填go? take sb under one's wing什么意思及同义词 turn的过去分词 cet6的阅读填空如何计分?意思是 比如我填了一个词,但意思并不完整,是全部扣分呢还是只扣一点分数? 英语六级阅读理解的填空部分错一点就全错吗?