
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:23:18
英语有几题不会啊!帮帮忙忙1.With all this work on hand,he _ to the cinema night.A must not goB would not goC ought not goD should not have goone 2 The line is busy,someone_the telephone now.A should be usingB must have beenusingC usesD 常用英语形容词后缀有哪些 请指出下列各句中的错误,并改正过来1.We didn't buy something at all2.Ther is anything in the fridge3.Something come here every day 有点英语题目不会 大家帮下忙Part One: Vocabulary and Structure1. She worked in the hospital ______ a nurse at first, but now she has become a director. a. as b. like c. at d. for2. The teacher asked his students if they It's thin and brown .It't got four legs and a long tail.It likes eating bananas and climbing trees.It's very clever.What is it?打一动物 我的爸爸妈妈在哪儿翻译 我的爸爸妈妈,怎么翻译. 以传递什么什么为题的作文 有关于形容词英语的后缀 有关于英语形容词的后缀 翻译:我将要出差 爸爸出差,翻译成英语 求,用英语写的日记,简单的就行.几十个单词 ,内容随便? 上个星期四,我爸爸从上海回来.求翻译(英文) 求以桥为题的作文要求和父母之间的 真情实感的 600字左右 50分求翻译句英文随身携带的旅游笔记用英文应该怎么说呢 带to为介词而不是不定式的短语 英语里什么是动词不定式?介词短语有什么特点吗给我简单一点的``太深的我不会... 什么情况不定式短语后面需要加上介词?i don't have a partner to practice english with they have nothing to worry about?那什么情况需要加上后面的with ,about 呢 “上海之旅”的英文翻译, 英语翻译Working nonstandard hours is less a choice of employees and more a mandate of employers. 英语翻译1.Media reports have places the cost of the park2.The new shanghai park would be the sixth one3.When was the Hong Kong theme park built 4.The Hong Kong and Shanghai parks are complementary ,aren t they? 英语翻译rather go without than have something shoddy; to put quality before quantity 内容 英语单词怎么写?如题 英语词汇题,适当形式填空 如何在判断一个句子中的“to”是介词还是不定式(在不知道它后面跟的动词是原形还是“ing”的情况下)? to的后面必须跟动词?别跟我说坐不定式时加动词原型 介词时加ing之类的 就直接告诉我 英语翻译Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties.Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human.Similarly,money,growing old,sickness,deaths,natural disasters, such与so的区别及其用法 [急]怎样区分词组中动词不定式的to和作为介词的to了最好把初中英语所有的作介词的词组列出来 怎样区分to是动词不定式的标志,还是介词呢?不是给句子分析,那个我会,就是一般选择题怎么弄? 怎样区分to是介词还是动词不定式标志呢?