
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:54:26
i think someone has______ my mobile phone A.steal B.stole C .stolen D.stealing The young ______ respect the old people. twenty years has gone so fast 为什么用has而不是have? should young people respect and follow their advice The young should show respect for the old 年轻人应该尊重老人请问这里为什么要用show 直接去掉可以吗? Friendship remain and never can end! Kate lives far from the city.意思 Young people like wearing clothes_________(make)of animai fur.能讲讲为什么用made吗 Died twenty years ago.=He_____ _______ _______for twenty years.空格里填什么 for twenty years=_____twenty years_________ 1.He died twenty years ago.Twenty years ___ ____ ___ he died. an interesting thing in the spring festival 英语作文 请问学哲学 的人 在这个 物质现实 社会如何生存呢 我想知道现在是现实社会什么样的生活才是我们想要的?人总是不满足,什么时候是满足的? 社会究竟多现实?什么样的人能生存在这个社会中? quite a long way from the city c____横线里填什么 在线等 You will be quite a long way up from the bottom in all your subjects.意思 young people should often help p____ people we should help h...people.根据句意和首字母补全单词 young people shuold help什么people he is not the man __ he was twenty years ago.为什么用that 而不是who whom what flies forever and never rests?IQ题, what flies forever and never rests 什么东西永远在飞而且永远不用休息? Never regert what you do and say forever.谁能帮我翻译下 The most interesting book怎么写以这个题目的英语作文? 英语作文:the most interesting subjuct and the most difficult subjuct题目就是:the most interesting subjuct and the most difficult subjuct只是一篇..不用太长..不是我不想做..而是实在想不到.要求符合初一水平...不要太 Should old man live with young people together?why?Pls kindly write a short passage about it..Thanks a million!pls help me.I really don't any idea!Pls~ young people should be good w( ) old people 年轻人应主动为老年人让座.Young people should____ ____to the old 1912年1月1日,中华民国临时政府在南京成立.此时担任临时大总统的是 中华人民共和国在南京宣告成立,谁就任中华民国临时大总统 I have traveled in a big plane several times,but i have never been in a small one 翻译