
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:27:30
怎样避免写错别字,别太长! The happiness belong to me no long,what is left me is only pain,翻译成中文是什麽意思呢? 描写大自然的现代诗歌别太长 寻向所志中志是什么意思 七年级下册英语作文写写面馆里有什么菜,面,写写自己,好朋友,父母喜欢吃什么,写写价钱 he leaves,she will miss him forever! be he rich or poor,i will marry him all the same.这句话如何理解?如何分析?谢谢了啊! 分析《金铜仙人辞汉歌》与《赤壁》借古讽今艺术手法的异同 借古讽今成语造句和典故 借古讽今的作用是什么? 六《泊秦淮》 ①表现诗人的忧患意识(借古讽今)的诗句是:②鞭打沉溺酒色,醉生梦死的统治阶级,告诉他六《泊秦淮》①表现诗人的忧患意识(借古讽今)的诗句是:②鞭打沉溺酒色,醉生 she can notsee anything in the dark room.改为同义句 __she could do anything填空,并讲埋点解 解释下列加点字:咸志寻果 -I can’t believe it! I only got a B on my project. -That’s not a bad grade. -But I on it for weeks.A. am working B. have worked C. work D. worked我认为应选B,但答案是D,why? 杜牧《泊秦淮》表现诗人忧患意识,反映了官僚纸醉金迷生活的诗句是 ____________,____________.这两句诗是《泊秦淮》中一种形象化的议论,表达了诗人对世道人心的忧患意识 they usually go to bed early,especially on school nights.这句话怎么翻译 翻译You should go to bed early for a few nights and should exercise to stay healthy. She can't hear anything改成同义句 I can hardly hear ( ).Please keep quiet.A、something B、nothing C、anything D、someone 原因, 甲数是18,乙数是30,甲数是乙数的%,乙数是甲数的 % 甲数的30%与乙数的20%相等,甲数是乙数的细的对了再给分 甲数的30%与乙数的40%相等,甲数是20,乙数是 十二生肖哪个爱吃辣的? 解释句中打括号的词语,并指出其属于什么文言现象学而(时)习之温(故)而知(新)吾(日)三省吾身(传)不习乎这是一种()的文言现象 He can not see anything的意思会者快答!11 he was b--------at birth,he could not see anything 文言文多多益善中,有活用现象的句子是? 改为同义句:He can't see anything. 写出下列句子的修辞手法.细雨如丝,杨梅树贪婪地吸 写出他的好处 杨梅树贪婪的地吸着春天的雨露.