
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:18:50
我要两个词组的英文名,男生的!最好多一点. 谢谢拉........The apples in this supermarket were i_.They were cheap.只要把”i”后面的单词写出来(根据首字母填单词!) Don't want to see you 求歌词:if you want walk out of the door ,i want never see you any more,baby don 't you know I …一开始是哼的 有点像艾薇儿的Happy ending 的前奏 但是比她的要抒情 I don't want to see the pock face any more “I don't see you..but I want to hear 写SQL查询语句:两张表(Student(id,name,sex),score(id,english,chinese,math))查询各同学的姓名,各科成绩,总成绩,并且逆名排序查询各同学的姓名,各科成绩,总成绩(查200到300),并且逆名排序 女王的英文是什么? 女王的英语是什么? My best friend could not come to the party,_____was a pity.选项:A.that C.what D.which 空格处为什么是which,不是that. If my best friend judy goes to the party, do I B.I do so will I I willWhich one?Why? I can still remember when I MET MY BEST FRIEND.完形原文 just found out that my friends were planning a biethday party for my best friend 新概念英语学到第几册能达到四级水平? North Pole 前面用什么介词?也就是说是at the North Pole 还是 in the......;on the .....还是什么的 湖南华莱生物科技有限公司会员编号为什么位数不同 怎样形成的 宝莱坞与好莱坞区别 People in this country always ___ (fight) for more land a long time ago.同上... Eveyone at the North pole was very excited were (be)you just now ( 用所给适当形式填空 ) They were in the library just now是什么时态? They were in the library just now.(改为否定句) 天空中的彩虹 英语翻译为 rainbow in the sky 还能不能翻译为 rainbow on the sky 彩虹岛RAINBOW交换卷是什么 七色彩虹(rainbow)用英文怎么读? 英语翻译 they say if more people rode bikes to work ,there would be fewer cars and less dirty air为什么rode 和 would要过去时态? 别惹蚂蚁 英文感想电影别惹蚂蚁的英文感想 70字左右就行 the air pollution makes many people feel...英语选择题一道the air pollution makes many people feel___Abad Bsick为什么?谢谢 his flight over the north poleIn 1929,three years after his flight over the North Pole,the American explorer,R.E.Byrd,successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time请帮忙把这个句子的结构分析一下,特别是three years after his Were you in the classroom yesterday? three years after his flight over the North Polehis flight是名词啊,为什么后面可以跟介词over?