
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:30:49
货币杠杆有什么作用? 在杠杆上起到支撑作用的那一点叫做 杠杆的动力作用线和阻力作用线是垂直于杠杆的吗详细 在百家姓中“哈”怎么读? The lawyer is very famous,( )he always has a lotThe lawyer is very famous,( )he always has a lot of cases to deal with.A.because B.so C.though D.if out last night的意思 she never breaks her promise(句意不变)she always ___ ___ ___ 英语doing morning exercises____ good for youDoing morning exercises____ good for you.A.is B.are C.be 改句子she never talks to me保持原句意思 she_______talk tme at ________. That's exactly what I'm talking about 是什么从句 Let's thank our parents for ___(take)care of us every day. Despite he being busy,...这里的being busy是什么语法现象这里的he能不能省,整句话是“despite he being busy,he still come to visit us”,写成“despite being busy,he still come to visit us"有没有问题,有没有讲解这种 He always talks in class.(改为否定句) He _______talks in class.(改为否定句) He _______talks in class. "He is always busy."的同义句 The boy talks in the English class.改为同义句The boy talks in the English class()()() he always talks in class=he__ __ __in class 任务性阅读 Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() ; Tables[0]是什么意思?Rows[0][1] 第一列 第二列 第三列第一行 A1 A 2 A3第一行 B1 B2 B3第一行 C1 C2 C3像上面那样3列的一个表(网速不好传不了图 这里形象的比喻下):下列 What is the left side of an apple I ________ the flat in the centre of the town.A.am interested in B.am interesting in C.interest you makes noise 整个的 class 写一篇《初二了》的作文400字的 when my father____(repair)the bike,my mom____(call)him My father _____ a bicycle.之中的_____填什么, the bus drive is very___(slow) into the centre of the town let's go into the cinma now.here go into mean_______ a.enter b.centre c.go on d.go towhere _______we______bikes in your school? a.must,park b.do ,must park c. do,need park d. have,park go into town 为什么不加the为什么不在town前面加the这是我从我们初一英语书上看到的问题可以加the吗 如果把宋比作中国,辽和西夏能不能比作日本或美国?为什么? 求像《菊与刀》那样的描写中国文化的书能不能同时简要介绍一下推荐书的内容? 日本将中国比作一战前的德国有何居心 town center这个单词是什么意思 discuss是什么意思这个单词我陌生,