
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:25:38
With the mid-term exam come,you must get prepared for them哪里错了 Super Duplex 是什么材料? 口语语法You can see where he'd have trouble.'d would是虚拟语气还是will过去式? The old artist is in the habit(A) of going for a walk(B) (选择有错误的一项)The old artist is in the habit(A) of going for a walk(B) in the park every morning (C)except it rains(D).(选择有错误的一项)A.in the habitB.going for a walkC.ev 中道而立 Regardless of poverty to wealth,health and disease,never abandon That's early!But then you get up carly.翻译. a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention怎么翻译?好像是一句谚语, What can I get my friend for her b___? a wealth of information creats a poverty of attention什么意思 fax NO.for your letterhead英译汉 FAX NO.FOR YOUR LETTERHED英译汉(公司的服务) It's bigger and h___than a football.填什么 左提手旁右上采字头右下寸读什么 引而不发,跃如也 艹字头,下面是少,念什么? How can I heal I myself? ‘艹’字头下面写个‘内’字念什么? hold有被动时态吗?同题目了 什么时态没有被动 人活着,怎样让动物更好地活着 写一篇50字的英文短文或者中文100字 几种被动的时态,请尽量详细,谢谢各位!请尽量详细点,因为被动不太会,特别是什么时间用being,谢谢大家. 为什么动物们什么活在森林比生活在动物园里开心?(一定要是英文理由! It was simply as he was lazy that he could not pass the exam.英语语法改错Asimply B as C that Dcould not pass 什么是过去完成时被动时态? The Governor\'s Academy怎么样申请? The Governor's Academy伽文纳中学样? SSAT2200多 托福120 可以进菲利普艾斯特中学Phillips Exeter Academy (美国最好中学之一)吗平均成绩85以上校长写推荐信我在省一级重点中学是SSAT(美国中考)成绩不是SAT five tons heavy.这里为什么不用weight punch above your punching above its 1 Her grandfather died seven mouths ago [改为同义句] [2道题都请说出为什么]Her grandfather --------- --------- --------- for seven mouth 2 谜语 What's too much for me , just right for two , but nothing at all for