
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:23:52
如图,直线ab、cd、ef、相交于点o,∠doe=90°,∠aoe=48°求∠aof、∠boc的度数 直线AB,CD,EF相交于点O,∠DOE=90°,∠AOE=48°,求∠AOF,∠BOC的度数 英语翻译2.The admissions committee would appreciate any additional statement you may wish to make concerning the applicant's aptitude for advanced study or his/her potential for becoming a successful manager and leader,if appropriate.这两句怎 ()远()近中的空可填什么字 这个空里应该填什么字 急用!成语的意思!快 空字的甲骨文怎么写 求词,没写的空, 请问下面段落中打《》的句子怎么翻译,和是so.as结构的变形吗?其结构怎么理解?On the contrary, when a man buys a delivery truck for his business, that is not the case. 《Here he will not try to seem important as he may when I watched as her laughter dissolved.怎么理解这句呢?以及句子结构怎么回事呢 ‘你是我一辈子的爱人’用英语怎么说? How may I assist you?的同义句The students usually discuss science problems after school.The workers continue working on Saturday.My grandpa lost his temper when he saw his broken glass.的同义句 够了 用英语怎么说要带一点点 表示愤怒的意思在里面 但是不能过火的愤怒 只是那种很冷静的看着 然后觉得不能再继续下去了的这种感觉 够了用英语怎么说 “这样就够了”用英语怎么说?这样就够了,这样足矣,用英语怎么说? 开卷未必有益的辩论会.如果正方这样说,那该怎么办?如果正方说:“尽管你可以举出一堆因看书而堕落,疯狂,行凶犯法的事例.那这又能说明什么呢?只能说明是看书的人自己本身心态就不正. “今天是晴天吗”用英文怎么说? “麦客”是什么意思? 好逸( )劳 调兵( )将八成与补充完整,再解释填入括号里的字 A如 BC式词语,快A如BC式词语, 自己写了一首歌词,想翻译成英文看看,哪里能翻译? 英语翻译来自:云越(大漠孤烟直) 2008-02-19 08:54:13 KEEP IT ALL HIDYou keep it all hid Like your waiting for the guillotine To fall You keep it all hid Like your waiting For someone to save youAnd you lean against the wall Like you just le AABB式的词语(如碧蓝碧蓝) 告诉我下麦客是什么 ##如#式的词语想美女如云式的词语! in a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor如何翻译? 求虐是什么意思? 语文题目(你怎样记住下面的字?写下你的好办法.)逛:_________________________________________秧:_________________________________________ There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving,and that's your own self. 英语 as As a teacher ,I seldom give my students so difficult a problem ____ they can't work out .Surely he isn't so foolish ___ not to realize that.为什么是选as 而不能是 that 英语问题关于asThe setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring 上面这句话最后一个as是什么意思啊 总觉得最后一个a 心灵伴侣是什么?有多少人在找心灵伴侣呢?