
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:00:53
please turn the key switch off,then press ok的意思 switch to的翻译 where is the well,there is a way! my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.to press his paw on the latch 这是什么语法 为什么中间加个 his paw 后面又为什么加 on the latch 请老师讲讲 怎样制作燕子硬翅风筝,最好有示意图.不要全部文字,请在这一个小时内回复我 my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.这里paw前为什么加his名词前不是加冠词吗 my husband spent weeks____him to press his paw on the latch.1 teaching 2 guiding 3 leading4 conducting 请问选择哪一个,及为什么说出每个为什么对与错 亲情是什么? 在你眼中,亲情是什么呢? 亲亲的表情是什么意思 Look,there he is .怎么翻译?可以说成 he is there would you like___some noodle?(eat)咋做?是用适当形式填空! at the school gate,they,have waited,since two hours ago,for us,patiently怎么排序要清楚 Let‘s go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun是哪首歌里的词 It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _____a look at the sports stars.A.had B.havingC.to have D.have press++acyion++to+++open+++door+是甚么意思 用所给词的适当形式填空.1..It's dangerous to stand outside,for the wind is blowing____(strong).要说明原因English is ______(wide) used in the world.They don't know why you talked to them so ______(angry).It is raining ______(heavy), so It's dangerous o stand outside ,for the wind is blowing ____(strong)用所给词的适当形式填空 、 .. It is blowing( ).Do not stand in the wind.A.strong B.strongly ...It is blowing( ).Do not stand in the wind.A.strong B.strongly C.heavilyD.windy选哪个为什么 ---- Would you like some wine?-----Yes,just____.A little B very little C a little D little bit -Would you like some _______?-Oh,yes,just a lit-Would you like some _______?-Oh,yes,just a little.A.apples.B.carrot.C.pears.D.chicken请简略叙述原因, 为参加学校举行的风筝设计比赛,小燕子用四根竹棒扎成如图所示的风筝框架已知AD=BC,AC=DB.你认为小燕子的风筝∠B=∠C吗试说明理由 英语翻译翻译1.There something under that chair 2My glasses must be somewhere 3just as I was opening the front door the telephone rang 为参加学校举行的风筝设计比赛,小明用4根竹棒扎成如图两脚所示的风筝框架,已知AB=CD,AC=DB.你认为小明的风筝两脚的大小相同吗,(即∠B=∠C),请说明理由尽量在今天结束谢谢喽 最近(09年10-11月)月亮旁总有颗特别亮的星星好多年都没在天上看到星星了 最近这个星星刚开始是在月亮左边.逐渐向变移动.现在已经在月亮右边比较远一段距离了 高度看起来是跟月亮水 09年9月2日月亮边最亮的星星2009年9月2日,在武汉家里看天空时,月亮边有一颗很亮的星星, I like sleeping keep the windows open 改错! 用白铁皮做罐头盒,每张铁皮克制盒身15个或鞋底42个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套罐头盒,现有108张白铁皮,用多少张制盒身,多少张制盒底,可正好制成整套罐头盒? I like to keep the windows___when I sleep.为什么用open而不用opening When the boy sleeps,he would like to keep the Windows closed的同义句急啊the boy likes to sleep( )the window close( ) 选择填空To keep the healthy,one good way is to keep windows -so as to keep tTo keep the healthy,one good way is to keep windows _so as to keep the indoor air fresh.A.opened B.open C.opening D.to open请说明为什么选填A或B或C或D, 用白铁皮做罐头盒,每张铁皮可制盒身15个或盒底45个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套罐头盒.现有100张白铁皮.用多少张制盒身,多少张制盒底,可以即使做出的盒身和盒底配套,又能充分地利用白