
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:18:15
replace plastic containers by glass one 还是 replace plastic containers by glass ones lastly,plastic bags and containers are also cost-effective since they are cheaper to manufacture,ship and store.怎么翻译 too在疑问句尾用什么代替在疑问句中、句尾用什么代替?注意是句尾哦 too能不能用在一般疑问句句尾 what he has done is worth being spoken highly of The_____of the restaurant was highly spoken of(serve) he ( ) highly of by others last time.A.is spokeB.spokeC.was spokenD.spoken是spoke不是speak what he has done isn't worth being spoken highly of是否正确 This work report in which the idea was pushed forward with is highly spoken of by the public.词句中的in which 为什么不可以换成where?(答案选的是in which而不是where)不是in which =where么? his,brother,work遣词造句 approve的意思及用法approve 的词性转换这些词的意思及用法最好有例句 personality and social psychology review是什么意思 approve 的名词形式是什么? puppy eyes MY Dog 千金买邻, 百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,青春何处买的意思 王即购之千金.中购的意思 有能生得者购千金的购指什么意思 “王即购之千金”的“购”字是什么意思? comment与opinion的区别是什么我查过字典,不用告诉我意思‘I never knew that I meant anything to anyone’,是opinion还是comment 谁能告诉我comment(评论)和commentary(评论)的区别? 海中金,城墙土,沙中金, 纳音五行中的大海水 大驿土 海中金 大林木是啥意思?查完之后写的是大海水 大驿土 海中金 大林木,不知道是啥意思,麻烦明白人帮我解释解释, with can't the to hotel you the walk panda 连词成句怎么连啊 review,remark,comment,assess这四个评论有何异同? 太阳缺了一小块可以译为:the sun was short of a bit么不对的话该怎么翻译呢?五楼的,应该是the sun has missed a bit of a part. The hope bit by bit was shattered,不对的话怎样才是对的?语法没有错嘛? That may not seem possible now.这句话能改为That isn't seem possible now. That may not seem possible now .的同义句=That may ___ ____ now. That may not seem possible改为同义句That ——seem—— may be,that's not possible.rt