
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:34:50
用强调句型翻译14.妈妈非常希望他能尽快好起来.15.就在我开门时我听到屋里有脚步声. you can take it from me that they are strong enough to stand rough handling. 有一首歌是描述夏天的,有雨,但是什么我记不得了,有三木这个词,还有一幅画,有人知道吗? It is important to t___ each other between goodIt is important to t___ each other between good friends 豚鼠和仓鼠的区别? If one day I leave this world Who will cry for me 英语翻译娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初.春风十里扬州路,卷上珠帘总不如. Time That It Would Take 歌词 优酷里《最感人的演讲》里面的英文歌叫什么名字视频播放到6分钟的时候开始的 Look at the man ,he is____ .A.strong B.a strong c.science 精神乌托邦是什么 乌托邦是什么意识 “思想的乌托邦”指什么? “思想的乌托邦”是什么意思?好像《假如给我三天光明》中有这个词. there be与have (has)的区别 This is the story,in which there is a handsome prince.in which 能改成where吗? 新航路开辟前欧洲商业中心在哪新航路开辟前欧洲商业中心在_________________________,当时商业最为兴盛的是__________________________.新航路开辟后,主要商路转移到_____________________,当时最受益的国家 理想的乌托邦存在吗? 乌托邦在哪里? 什么是乌托邦式 什么是乌托邦? If that failed,then do not easily break the balance between each other,bec I think that love is show understanding and sympathy for each other.这句话为什么错这句话对吗?I think that love is to show understanding and sympathy for each other为什么加个to就对了呢 be 动词为什么不能和show放一起呢? 用适当的介词或副词填空.This cute dog is______Canada.I live with it in China now.Dolphins are very smart.They can play______balls in the water.Most people work______the day and sleep______night.I always get______at 6:30 in the morning.Wal Did all the students in your class pass the exam?Some of them did.didn's.A.another B.the others C.some other D.other 选哪个?1 World Hello world environment World Wetlands Day是什意思 The morning after snowing作文 急一定要用过去进行时的, THE MORNING AFTER怎么样 the morning after 歌词 为什么近代中国沦为半殖民地而不是像其他国家那样沦为殖民地呢?