
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:03:56
what happened with you? 还是 what happened to you? 哪个是对的? so that 和so...that..如何区别? so 和 so that 有甚麼分别? Such as和so that是同义词么?so that的同义又是什么?注意SO that是分开的 so that分开和一起的区别? 读音为“凌”“猫”的英文名字我的名字叫凌晨~大家都叫我猫猫,求一个读音为“凌”或“猫”的英文名字~帮我去也行~最好和这2个有关系~要求时尚点的我忘记说了~要是男生的名字 求:What happened to you? so...that改成有enough的句子He is so young that he can't go to school. 将下列句子改写成含so...that结构的句子.He can`t afford this jacket because it`s too expensive.The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.The man is strong enough to carry the box. 用so...that 将下列句子合并成一句话.1.The camera cost very much.I didn’t buy one.2.The trip cost very little.They all went.3.The star is very far away.We can’t see it with out eyes. 和玮玮发音像的英文名想取一个和名字发音像的英文名,不要是VIVIAN VIVI这种. No matter what ( )happened to you.用have还是has 英语高手进What do you suppose has happened to him?-What do you suppose has happened to him?-I don't know.He__lost.A might get B can have got C may have got D must get我觉的应该是选A啊,到底应该怎么分析呢? He asked,"What has happened to you?"变为间接引语该怎么变是He asked what had happened to me.还是He asked what I had happened . 文艺复兴三杰是谁? 欧洲文艺复兴三杰是谁? 文艺复兴美术三杰与文艺复兴的关系如题~知道的麻烦给个详细的回答~小弟积分不多,全部奉上~ c开头m结尾的男英文名.带含义…… Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s'对吗A 1920 B1920' c1920 year D1920's的时候应选哪一个? 英语中元音辅音后s的发音 面带微笑用英语怎样说 意大利文艺复兴三杰是?6 总是面带微笑英语怎么说? 文艺复兴三杰是谁?及其简介? “还记得我们交谈时,你面带微笑,彬彬有礼的样子,告诉你,那个样子真的很可爱”用英语翻译大神们帮帮忙 文艺复兴三杰是指谁? 英语--动物叫声表达找用英语表达各种动物的叫声,如:dog--bark, cat--miaowhorse--?(叫声) 小汽车的叫声用英文怎么读 用长120厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,长是宽的1.5倍,它的长是多少厘米,宽是多少厘米急 用长120厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形,长是宽的1.5倍,求它的宽是多少厘米?解方程 用长是120厘米的铁丝正好围成一个长方形(接头处忽略不计),长是宽的1.5倍,他的长是多少厘米?(用方程 列方程解决问题.用120厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形.要是它的长是38厘米,宽是多少厘米?