
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:37:39
成长的烦恼是如何产生的? 关于竞争的名言警句和名人事例?加名人的名字 用第三人称复述英语五年级下册第二课课文 英语课文转化为第三人称7.2课文 When do you use a computer? 成长的烦恼的解决方法 关于《成长的烦恼》的作文.写出1、列举现象2、分析原因3、我的对策.我想写粗心.500字以内 用对比手法写《成长的烦恼》急 the confused expression on her face told me that she hadn't understood的意思 成长的烦恼作文.书信形式 Her()face suggested that she() the playA disappointed dislikedB disappointing should dislikeC disappointed should dislikeD disappointing disliked第一个空 为什么用过去分词? 顺其自然的反面例子除拔苗助长 急需3个"勇抗挫折而取得成功"的具体事例及名言警句!是"勇抗挫折而取得成功"的3个事例我名言警句! 做你该做的事,结果则顺其自然.这句话告诉我们什么是什么意思,告诉我们什么,我们要怎么做、 四书五经是指哪些书?四书五经是指哪四书、哪五经、哪些书? there was an excited look on her face when the actor appeared对了,里面的excit为什么不用exciting呢 Look at her____(微笑)face.She often wears a big____(微笑)on her face. 单词:friend 的音标 |frend|中的ren拼出来的是什么音?整个单词怎么念? it is easy 【】sb to do something.括号填of还是for 音标会读了.但是怎么读英语,一般的英语句子不带音标啊? 敬业与乐业课后第二题,要作文 九年纪第二单元第一课《敬业与乐业》课后习题四答案! 英语翻译r childrenIt is not a good idea for children to work too hard.Children should study in school as hard as they can.They should not have to do heavy work with their bodies.When parents or others ask their children to work hard,the results ( 求Tommy heavenly6的hey my friend 罗马音标希望能提供下Hey my friend这首歌的罗马音标 friend音标是什么 --There is an ____look on his face.What for?--Because he heard the __news.用excited 和 exciting进行填空 1.her face showed surprise at the news2.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at me with her mouth open wide.请问1,2这两个句子中的at the news 都是一个意思吗?3.walk for five minutes ,then you'll see a big tree (take th There was _____(happy) on her face at the exciting news. There is a (excite)____look on her face.如果换成worry呢? When I told her the news,I found a(n) ______ look on her face.a、surprisedb、surprisingc、surprised、surprisingly 要一段描写春天景物的话,并用上小学里的诗句至少一句 花和尚倒拔垂杨柳的起因、经过、结果、体验或感悟. 英语翻译