
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:51:48
谁用过千万别学英语学英语 千万别学英语初学版 有几盘磁带有 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 到底是一盘还是两盘啊 千万别学英语配套的磁带是(初学版)难还是(普及版)难? 请推荐一本金融入门书籍(请介绍一下) 我要电子书(TXT)格式的. 《香菱学诗》中贾宝钗和林黛玉的观点有什么不同?用原文的话回答 当m为何值时,关于mx的平方+mx=2m-9有两个相等的实数根 A:____ do you think is the most interesting invention?B:I think the most interesting invention is the shoes ____ adjustable heels.A:The shoes with adjustable heels?I have never ___of it.What are they ___ ___?B:Well,you can ___ the style of your shoes What do you think_____ A the most useful invention is B is the most useful invention 1.i think the microwave oven is the (two) most helpful invention2.i think the light bulb is (use)invention of the four. 以“The most helpful invention”为题,写一篇80词的英语作文. 逆境出人才的事例、名言都有哪些? 求有关逆境的名人名言! 有关"逆境与成功"的名人名言 点与线2 (22 18:6:57)已知△ABC的A(5,1),AB边上的中线CM:2x-y-5=0,  AC边上的高BH:x-2y-5=0,  求:1.   点C的坐标.       2.     BC的方程. 高一 数学 求f(a)的值 请详细解答,谢谢! (18 22:20:33)1、a是第三象限角,f(a)=sin(a-派/2)cos(3/2派+a)tan(派-a)                    摘录或写一段表现当代共产党员全心全意为人民服务的新闻,并发表自己的感想.字数在一百个字左右,急! 读报纸或进行社会调查,摘录或写一则表现当代共产党员全心全意为人民服务的新闻,并发表自己的感想. their team_(win)yesterday most of us think our team---- (win)the footballmatch 英语翻译 像李白,杜甫等古代名人的有文采的议论文论据!(带诗句的) Most of us do not think their team ______(win) most of us don`t think their team will [win] 【win时态对不对】 几个同学合影,每人交0.7元,一张底片0.68元,扩印一张相片0.5元,每人分一张,将收来的钱尽量用完,这张照片上的同学至少有多少个? 摘录一则表现当代共产党员全心全意为人民服务的新闻!写出感想 which is the most useful great inventions?what do you think?请帮个忙.要求一篇70-80的作文. Do you think what invention is the most useful 这句话对吗 逆境中成就名人的事例和名言 what do you think is the most useful invention in the world 这句话可不可以换成 what do you think the most useful invention is in the world 为什么呢?换成 what is the most useful invention in the world do you think? What do you think is the most useful invention?这句中do you think作插入语,我们老师说后面用陈述句语序,为什么不是the most useful invention is?Who is the man? 变成为什么 who do you think the man is? 读报纸或进行社会调查,摘录或写一则表现当代共产党员全心全意为人民服务的新闻,并发表自己的感想.和想 圆的一条弦把圆分成1:5两部分,如果圆的半径是3cm,则这条弦的长是_______.