
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:46:35
求《飘》原著英文版MP3,单纯的MP3,不需要安装其他软件的. 我英语不好 本人英语不好,求助攻!必采纳 英语求解,满意立马采纳 求歌名:外国男歌手唱的,大概的歌词是:love can say but i believe for you and me love can do get in the way是动词短语吗? get in the way 怎么用的?造几个句子 get in the way of 《飘》这本书的书名为什么叫“飘”?有什么含义? 这本书的名字为什么要叫"飘"呢?,这个飘字有什么寓意? 谁翻译了《飘》这本书?这本书写了什么?是在什么历史背景下?如题 He is a great r____ in fund raising activities. the fire is-----,he is in great-----(危险) 改错 1 You should keep the fish tank cleaning .2 You should to give fish fresh water once a week. Molly,day,lazy,because,twenty,every,sleeps,is,he,houre(连词成句) lazy,Larry,is,every,day,连词成句 Molldy day laze because twenty every sleeps is he hours 连词成句sleeps is he hours 连词成句 They have got ( )apples.A.no B.not C.no any 请选择A or B or C 芙蕖和爱莲说的侧重点的不同 狼图腾用英文怎么说狼图腾不是要出英文版了吗,他的英文名字是什么呢,谢谢大家! 《芙蕖》与《爱莲说》在立意上有什么不同 爱莲说 和 芙蕖 两篇文章的写作重点有什么不同? What`s meaning of FUND-RAISING chinaman到底有没有歧视的意味? have a chance是什么意思 英语填空题Lucy,could you move you things to your bedroom?The living room is too--Lucy,could you move you things to your bedroom?The living room is too crowded.I can't go a_____ to the kitchen.--All right,Mum 《爱莲说》与《芙蕖》“出淤泥而不染”常给人带来思考,青葱《芙蕖》中找出类似的句子,并简略说说它给你的启迪. 狼图腾 WOLF TOTEM怎么样 wolf是什么文件或者帮我把这首BGM提出来 T Children get in the way during the holidays.翻译成中文,新概念英语第二册第三十页上的. Why are you still waiting in line? I've missed my____. A.place B.order C.turn D.timeturn在这里什么意思? 单项选择1.--Why are you still waiting in line?--I missed my_______.A.place B.time C.order D.tur单项选择1.--Why are you still waiting in line?--I missed my_______.A.place B.time C.order D.turn2.Nowadays,many people prefer to eat out on New Yea