
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:22:40
Dose he have a TV?Dose she have a TV? dose a computer have a keyboard? +sb +形容词的宾补动词有那些.give.want.do.help哪个是.具体的题是medicine will ______you good 有一家企业的广告词为“只有逗号,没有句号”,写出这则广告的深层含义急 downstairs..I slipped and fell downstairs.George heard the noise and came downstairs puickly.这两个downstairs是什么词?做什么语呢? 关于downstairs的用法.我在网上看到downstairs作为形容词有两种用法:1.The young man downstairs is a lawyer.(后置)2.Your downstairs neighbor let me in.(前置)请问后置,这是什么用法? downstair和downstairs的区别?请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来, which of the foiiowing is true about berners-lee的翻译 “护士”怎么用英语拼写? Stand a hope of doing something是什么意思 ( )( )的春风( )( )的暴雨( )( )的秋风( )( )的白雪( )( )的狂风( )( )的雷声 开头是This she...i just close my eyes,but you close your arm...后面重复多次if you let me in是什歌? I just close my eyes and I\'m with 求一首歌歌名,记得有“I CLOSE MY EYES .”RT记得有很深情的几句I CLOSE MY EYES求歌名!貌似不是“BILLIONAIRE”这首歌 谁能给我个太阳号,我一定给好评 我有一个美丽的愿望,长大以后能播种太阳.一个送给南极,一个送给北冰洋.有人还记得这首儿歌吗?此歌可称为当今世上最恶毒的歌曲,意在把南极和北冰洋的冰雪全融化,导致还海平面升高,淹 great the he ideas any have trip about does,连词成句 Do not care about other people's ideas是什么意思? 评论杨修(500字) 历史上对杨修的评价 如何用一句话评价杨修 The girl gor herself into a serious situation in which she was likely to lose control over themotorbike.如果不将in放在which前面,in该放在哪里 怎么让自己变的阳光起来我现在15岁,该上高中了.我感觉我稍微有点内向.我经常在一起玩的朋友不多,但是,也有一些关系不错,但是不怎么联系的朋友.我平时不怎么笑,除非遇到真能让我开心的 怎么让光的速度变得最慢?物理课上的试验让光变慢 究竟 变得到 多慢/ 描写英雄人物段落 星星冷柜、 海尔冷柜、新飞冷柜哪个好? 星星,新飞,美菱,美的,海尔,这几个电冰箱哪个性能比较好,能用的住. What is the main thing used to make an omelette? Which of the following substances,found in soil,is used by plants to make proteins.A Carbon dioxideB NitrateC OxygenD Vitamins He thanks me for my help.的同译句是什么啊? I want to buy a suit for my daughter是什么意思 步步高词典王A4有没有英文双向整句翻译