
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:18:39
英语书人教版八年级上册第3单元I'm more outgoing than my sister.B部分的4和后面的Self Check怎么写? 基础储备:一个粮仓原来存粮84吨,卖出一批粮食后,又运来25又1/3吨粮食,现在这个粮仓存粮是多少吨?(先用方程解,再用算式解) 甲仓库原有粮食72吨,乙仓库原有粮食54吨,现有调入粮食42吨,要使乙仓库的粮食存量是甲仓库的三分之二还多3吨,则需如乙仓库粮食 My brother would like beef dumplings?(改同义句)填空My brother ( )dumplings ( )beef.急,讲理由 改错-Is your brother and sister workers? Yes,they are Is your brother and sister workers?这句话哪里错了? 扩写句子:丛林中传出叫声,(至少扩两处) my favourite food is cake.这里cake可数吗?为什么不用复数 世界之最的桥有哪些?(每国举三例) 珍珠鸟的叫声请打出象声词 珍珠鸟的叫声和样子 珍珠鸟的声音像笛儿般又细又亮 这句话是比喻句么? 蝗虫最怕什么鸟帮找一找蝗虫最怕什么鸟呀帮回答一下 语言幽默,讽刺的 外国文学著作英语国家的 There is a bottle on the table中On the table是后置定语修饰bottle还是作为句子的地点状语? ( )叫声( )轻松自在.(扩句) 我为什么怕鸟 从小就怕为什么 .只要是羽毛的动物我全怕~这是为什么. exercise和practice何时可数何时不可数?不是说exercise做运动时不可数么?可是为什么这里做运动时do exercises?这两个词究竟何时可数呢? 求practise和practice用法区别 practice做名词时可不可数?要不要分情况?同样,exercise呢. practice是不可数名词吗 可数名词与不可数名词的练习怎么做?找出不可数名词,如果是可数名词要变成复数homework( )adriver( )knowledge( )boot( )blood( )music( )heat( I enjoy reading books because they make me _____I enjoy reading books because they make me ________.laugh to laugh laughly laughing 短文改错,I like reading because books are good teachers and help friends.When I am a child,I got into the habit of read.In the past years,I have read many the books.Reading helps me relax and see the world different ways.It also develop my intere 从叶蔓间传出的笛儿般又细又亮的叫声,显得格外轻松自在.(缩句) 为什么飞机会怕鸟? illness什么意思是可数名词 飞机为什么怕“小鸟”这是一个物理题 →飞机为什么“怕”小鸟? Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate的中文意思 At Easter children look for chocolate eggs at parades. Chocolate,eat,eggs,the,love,to,at,children,Easter英语连词成句 Because these children f____ on rice,they are often given f____ made of rice 好兵帅克一、精彩语录 二、最有讽刺意味的故事 三、最幽默的句段在好兵帅克的书里找,我找不到.顺便问下,帅克是不是个好兵,给点理由